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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"

Christyne's "The Teens"  
Fan Fiction Site


Chapter Seven

Note: I have no idea what is the norm at most schools when the teacher of a senior level class is missing, but at my school, the class gets a free period. Also, at the school where I go to, your allowed to leave campus whenever you'd like, as long as you don't miss class. I don't know if that's the norm at most schools, but I made it that way in this chapter.

The entire class grew silent at Principal Cohen's words, everyone looked around the room at one another, wondering what had happened.

"Mr. Woods is currently dealing with a difficult situation in his personal life and will not be in for the next few days. Given the suddenness of this and the nature of the project that you are currently working on, we have decided not to call in a supply teacher. Instead, you will be given this time to work on your own on your current project."

That caused pandemonium, everyone began talking at once.

"However," Principal Cohen continued, "if I learn that you are not using this time wisely, then I will arrange book work for you all. Understand?"

There was a chorus of yeses from the class.

"Well then, go, but remember, use the time wisely."

The class did not have to be told twice, they all began to trickle out of the room. and into the hallway.

Susan was the last person to leave. "Principal Cohen?" She asked softly. "Is something wrong with Mr. Woods' mother? I know that she's sick."

"Yes," Principal Cohen told her, "she's quite sick. Within the last few days her condition has gotten much worse and the doctors aren't sure how much time she has left, that's why Mr. Woods has taken the time off, so that he can be with her."

Susan bit her lip. "That's awful, I hope she gets better soon. Thank you for telling me, Principal Cohen."

"Don't mention it. Now don't you have a project to work on?"

"Yeah," Susan said, "I should go work on it. Thank you again for the information."

"You're welcome." Principal Cohen told her. "Normally I wouldn't share information on a teacher's private life with a student, but since you seem to know..."

"He told because we're working together on this project."

"Ah." Principal Cohen answered. "Now I understand."

Susan nodded. "Good, but I really should go." With that she grabbed her books and exited the classroom.
* * * * *

"Who did you guys get?" Belle asked Chloe and Phillip a little while later at .Com, where everyone in the class had migrated since they now had no class this period. "I mean I know we weren't supposed to tell, but we were going to find out today anyway. Besides you can tell me who you got without telling me their wishes."

Phillip and Chloe exchanged a glance.

"Okay." Chloe said after a minute. "But you'll never believe it."

"Who is it?" Shawn asked curiously.

"Jan and Jason." Phillip told him.

Belle burst out laughing. "You're kidding, right?"

"Nope." Chloe told her. "I think it's some kind of divine retribution."

"Maybe." Belle agreed. "It certainly is interesting."

"Now who did you get?" Phillip asked.

"Mimi and Kevin." Shawn told them.

"Interesting." Chloe told them. "How's that coming along?"

"Surprisingly easy." Belle told her. "Someone's already helped us with one and fate took care of the other."

"What do you mean?" Phillip asked curiously.

"Well, I know we're not supposed to disclose their wishes, but I guess it would okay." Belle said after a minute. "One of Kevin's wishes was to get a girlfriend and whoever gave him his make-over made that a whole lot easier and Mimi wanted a boyfriend, which, obviously, she has now."

Belle pointed over to Mimi and Jason sat at their own table, holding hands.

Phillip and Chloe began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Shawn asked.

"Nothing." Chloe said, still laughing.

Shawn and Belle exchanged glances. Obviously something was up, but what was it?

"Come on," Belle pleaded, "what's so funny?"

"We'll fill you in later." Phillip promised.

Belle sighed. "Alright."

Chloe finally stopped laughing and turned to Phillip. "You know, we should go work on the project."

"So should we." Shawn told Belle.

"Alright." Their respective partners said at once.

"After you, my lady." Phillip told Chloe, rising from his seat. "Bye."

"See you later." Belle said as the two of them left .Com, after they were gone she turned to Shawn. "Let's get to work."

"Sure." He told her. "What wish do we work on?"

"Kevin's wish to find a girlfriend." Belle said. "The way he looks now, that shouldn't be too hard."
* * * * *

"I hate to interrupt," Jan drawled sarcastically as she approached Mimi and Jason's table, "but we're supposed to be working on the project, remember?"

Jason sighed. "Yeah, yeah."

He stood up and then gave Mimi a killer grin. "Sorry beautiful, but duty calls, I'll see you later, okay?"

Jason could see Mimi hide a smile at his loving boyfriend act.

"Alright." Mimi said, no longer hiding her smile. "I have to go work on my own project."

Suddenly, Jason was aware of Mimi catching Jan’s eye. He could see Mimi’s brain working and realized that she was planning to do something to irritate Jan. Before he could figure out what, she leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

"I'll see you later." She told him softly, before walking away.

Jason staring after her. What had just happened? Did she do that to get back at Jan or...?

Of course she did it to antagonize Jan. A voice in his head told him. Why else would she do it? You¹re not really together, it¹s just an act, remember?

"Hello?" Jan said impatiently. "Earth to Jason."

Jason snapped out of it. "Huh?"

"Get a grip, Lover Boy." Jan said, rolling her eyes. "You're acting really pathetic, Jase."

"You're one to talk." Jason told her. "You've made pathetic an art form, Jan. I mean look at all the lame stunts you've pulled against Chloe. It's obvious to anyone that you’re just upset because she's way better looking than you are."

He wasn't sure what had gotten into him, but it felt to be able to tell Jan off. For a long time he had sat back and taken her abuse, but now he no longer had to. He wasn't going to be her whipping boy any longer!

Jan glared at him. "May I remind you that your new girlfriend isn't exactly innocent of those tricks herself."

"Yeah, but she's only doing it because she's insecure." Jason told her. "And I aim to change that. I aim to show Mimi that she can do way better than you."

He was shocked by the words that were coming of his mouth. He couldn't believe that he was defending Mimi to Jan.

I'm just doing it because of the act. He told himself, but honestly, he wasn't so sure. Yesterday, he had realized for the first time just how cute Mimi really could be...

"You better not." Jan warned him. "Or you'll pay. I mean it Jase, if you turn Mimi against me, I'll make sure you regret it. Big time."

* * * * *

Susan looked over the list of Shawn and Belle's wishes. She decided to work on Belle's first wish, the one about Brady.

How do I do it? She asked herself. How do I get Brady Black to end his vendetta against the world?

The only thing that came to her mind was to be nice to Brady and try to be his friend. That, or use his love for Belle to guilt him into at least trying to get along with everybody.

It's probably a lost cause, but I at least have to try. She thought.

She looked over the list again and sighed. None of the wishes were easy to grant. Both Shawn and Belle had mainly wished for things that were out of her control.

Well, except maybe Belle's wish that the boy she liked would like her back, but Susan had decided to leave that one alone for a while. Her plan to lock them in the closet had majorly back-fired, so she needed to think out her next move carefully.

So, for now, she was going to work on Brady Black's attitude problem and pray for a miracle.

I have a feeling that I'm going to need one! Susan thought with a sigh. Because other wish, this will be impossible!

* * * * *

Mimi couldn't believe what she had just done.

She had just kissed Jason, on the cheek or not it was still a kiss, in front of Jan! She was starting to wonder if she was suicidal.

She knew that Jan and Jason had broken up and that Jason was now dating her, but what in her right mind had possessed her to flaunt that fact in front of Jan? Because she knew that even if it was over between them, Jan was possessive and still considered Jason her property.

I'm an idiot. She thought. I deliberately bated her, now who knows what she's going to do to me.

Suddenly, she wondered why she was afraid. Jan held no real power over her, only that which Mimi had given her.

I need don't need her. Mimi realized. In fact, I'd do better without her.

Right then there, she decided that regardless of Jan's threats that she was going to follow her own instincts. And that meant ending her partnership with Jan it was only going to get her in trouble.

Mimi was feeling confident with herself by the time she joined Kevin's table. Things were going to work out, for once she honestly thought that.

"Let's get to work." Mimi told Kevin as soon as she sat down.

"Sure." Kevin told her. "Whose wish should we work on?"

"Chloe's." Mimi told him. "Her wishes have to be easier than Phillip's. Have you made any progress finding out who her biological father is?"

"Not much." Kevin told her. "I managed to access her adoption records, but the father's name wasn't listed."

"That makes sense." Mimi told him. "From what I know, which is admittedly little, Nancy's pretty determined to make sure that his identity never comes out. So, of course she wouldn't put his name down on the adoption records."

"I know." Kevin told her. "Given the fact that Chloe's mother hadn't told her his identity herself, I didn't think it would be listed on the adoption records. But I had to try."

"Do you have a plan B?" Mimi asked. "Do you have an idea on how to find out who Chloe's father is?"

"Actually I do." Kevin told her.

"Really?" Mimi asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Do tell."

To be continued…

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