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"like sands through the hourglass... so are the...Days of our Lives"

Christyne's "The Teens"  
Fan Fiction Site


Chapter 2

"Mom, please!" Mimi pleaded.

It was nearly two weeks since the engagement party and the ‘happy’ couple had still yet to part ways. She and Brady had begun to argue as planned and trying to show what a horrible match they made but when dear old Grampa Kiriakis came up they had to stop cold.

Especially when he practically dragged his grandson away for a talk.

"I understand, dear. You feel like you don’t have a choice and but it isn’t like that. It’s just that your father and I know better than you do," Mrs. Lockhart told her daughter.

Mimi looked at her mother in disbelief.

"No, no, no, no. *I* know what’s good for me and it isn’t marrying some freaking delinquent!"

"All right, calm down."

The exasperated girl breathed in a shaky breath and sat on the couch of a home she would soon have to leave if things didn’t work out.

"Mimi, you know how influential Dr. Evans and Mr. Black are don’t you?" Mimi just nodded. "And you know all they’ve done in the past, helping your father get a job and--"

"You’re PIMPING ME?"

"No, it’s nothing like that!" Mrs. Lockhart defended.

"Than what is it like?" Mimi asked with tears in her eyes.

"When Mr. Black came and asked for a match with his son I knew it was good for you. You’ll always be taken care of and that is what is most important."

Mimi looked at her mother and saw that is what she truly believed. She just wanted her daughter to always be safe. Meems had heard bits of conversation the night before, her mother crying before she and her father agreed how wonderful this was for their daughter. When she peeked in they even had tentative but genuine smiles.

They just wanted the best for her.

Oh, but what a screwed way to show it. Now she didn’t know what to say, she couldn’t disappoint her parents.

Now what?


"I’m not marring her," Brady declared.

"Yes, you are," Victor Kiriakis answered without a beat.

"You can’t control me and my father can’t either."

"But what about your mother?"

"She’s gone," Brady answered with a hard edge.

"But you don’t believe she would have wanted you to be happy?"

"THIS will make me happy?"

"Yes, in time," Victor answered wisely.

"Well whip out that crystal ball of yours and lets confirm it!"

"Brady." The warning tone stopped him. "Trust me. And maybe soon you’ll even be filling up the house with great grandchildren."

"Rush me all you want but it’s not going to turn out so great."


"Just being clear."

He was not going to marry the girl that stole his underwear when he was eight and showed it to the rest of her first-grade friends.


"Hi, honey-love," Mimi greeted wearily.

Brady made a face at Mimi’s impromptu name as she slid across from him at his .com booth.

"What do you want? I’m busy," he grumbled.

"Whatever. Oh, how you mistreat me, snookems," she gibed.

"Any luck?" he asked, ignoring her tease.

"Only if you consider the possibility of breaking my mother’s heart a good thing."

"Gotta do what you gotta do," he answered. She swung her purse at his head and barely missed.

"What about you?"

"No official stop to speak of but don’t pick out that dress just yet."

"Ha! The day I marry you I’ll be in a chicken suit."

"Sorry to miss that, truly sorry, but that day will never come."

Meems was no longer paying attention to him and he followed her gaze to the person behind him. Shawn Brady stood staring intently at a game in progress. Now *that* was an imbecile, he had to be the single most oblivious person in the world. Belle had been falling over herself for him for far too long before he even had an idea something was up. Now he had HIS fiancée about to giggle herself out of control and fall from her seat.

If she was other than dumbstruck that is.

"Hey!" Brady called, slapping his hand down on the tabletop to get Mimi’s attention back. She looked at him with an evil eye.


"Until we are officially apart don’t act like you’re going to hump the village idiot."

"One, do not talk to me like that. And two, leave Shawn alone, he is the sweetest person I know."

"Yeah, I’m trembling. Such a dear."

Mimi shook her head and sat back in her seat as the man she was about to marry didn’t even offer to get her a drink.


"We snagged them," Jan smiled as she sidled up to Mimi. It was the next day and it was bright and beautiful, a lovely spring day.

"Please do not remind me."

"You and Brady, Jason and me."

"Stop, too much joy," Mimi answered dryly.

"Oh, come on, Meems. Brady Black is a hunk! Model material, and he’s rich too," she said snatching up Mimi’s hand and pushing the engagement ring in the depressed girl’s face. She tried to get away with not wearing it but her mother caught her and now she was checked for the damn thing every time she walked into a room. "Knock of the ‘Woe is me’ crap."

Mimi jerked away and fixed a thoroughly annoyed scowl at Jan before grinding out her words.

"Brady Black is an ASS."

"A cute ass."

Mimi shook her head and looked out over the park.

"‘Course he isn’t as enthusiastic as Jason," Jan smirked. She actually believed the ill-fated boy was happy to marry the screeching demon that was she. Meems was nearly about to point out the upcoming birth or their child might be the incentive but held back, Jan would have denied her pregnancy anyway.

"I noticed, in fact I think I saw his dancing in the school hallway earlier," Mimi said as she lay back on the grass to stare at the sky. She didn’t see Jan shoot daggers at her.

"Least my fiancée actually wants to *touch* me, it must be hard to be in your position, Meems. I mean even the guy who is *betrothed* to you doesn’t want to take a crack."

The bitch at Mimi’s side received a withering look she smiled at. Mimi sat up again and hid the hurt that the compliment brought.

"Shut up, Jan."


"MIMI! Wait up!" Phillip Kiriaks said as he jogged up to her.

"What now?" she asked. She was trying to get some peace and quiet in the haven of Salem Place shopping but she couldn’t even do that. Jan’s snide little comments had ruined her day but she was trying to salvage it.

"I just wanted to ask you something."

"Let me guess – Aren’t I just *so* very happy that I’m marrying Brady Black? Well, of course I am, I’m counting all my lucky stars, can you hold on a moment? I want to drop to my knees and thank Cupid. It’ll just take a minute!"

Mimi finished her tirade with a flushed face and a sour expression.

"Okay, are we finished with the meltdown?" Phillip asked with a curious look.

"Yeah, I guess. What do you want?"

"I . . . I tried to find Belle but she’s off with somewhere with Shawn--" he didn’t notice Mimi rolling her eyes. "--And I need advice. See, I know you don’t like Chloe but--"

"Don’t like her. I don’t LIKE her? What would make you think that? Maybe the fact she glued my HANDS to my HEAD?""

He tried to fix his blue eyes in a pleading fashion before saying, "I know but--"

"But nothing, buddy! If you ask me for advice I’m going to – I don’t even know but you’ll be sorry afterwards. I don’t want to tell you how to keep her, marry her--"

"Actually, that’s--"

"No! Don’t even finish! If I can’t stop this trolley to hell I’m going to be your aunt in some weird way I’m *still* not sure of, BUT, the point is I get the clout here so I get to say go away and you pretty much do it. Respect me. Go away." Course she didn’t realize that she would actually be Phillip’s niece – it was too confusing anyway.


"Fine, that didn’t work." With that an exasperated Mimi turned and headed off, leaving him behind. She was pissed and not caring where she was going – or who was in front of her.

"Dammit, slow down!"

Mimi looked up into really incredible blue eyes that made her groan in displeasure.

"Geez. Hiya, lover, ever feel like your trapped in a bad 70’s sitcom?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Look at this, what would make this day better after bumping into the last person I want to see? That would be you. I mean come on, next there will be a gorilla escaping from the zoo."


"You know, some stupid situation that has us coming together and it’ll end with a valuable lesso-- Just forget it," Mimi sighed miserably.

"I’d think I have to understand it to remember it," Brady said.

"Bite me," she responded as she started to walk away while he followed.

"No, my dear bride. Not until our wedding night, which, oh so sadly, we will NOT be having."

Mimi perked up at that one and stopped in her tracks, "Explain. Ten words or less if it doesn’t have a realistic way for us to be finished."

"Oh this one’s a keeper," he said smugly.

"Then spit it out!" Mimi said impatiently.

"One word. Jan."

"I don’t get it."



"Such words from my virginal bride. I’m very surprised here."

"Let’s not even get into that," Mimi said, hinting that the virginal part might not be clear.

Brady looked at her with an almost careful look for a moment before answering, "Well that’s what got our slutty friend Jan into trouble."

"As in," she urged.

"As in the little babe in her belly might not have been fathered by that depressed statue she’s always with."

"Hey, you wouldn’t want to move much around Jan either," Mimi said sticking up for poor Jason. "Evil has motion sensors you know."

Brady actually smirked at that one; his mood was much better now that they were about to be estranged.

"Hey, that’s the mother of my child you’re talking about there."

"What?" Mimi asked.

"She’s having my baby, what a lovely way to say how much she lo-- OW!"

"YOU deserve it, you . . . you’re just disgusting!" she sputtered as she turned away and began to take angry strides. Punching him in the stomach only gave her a small measure of joy. Friggin’ betrothed and he was out knocking up other women! He should be knocking her up!

She had to stop her step at that one. Ew. Bad point to that argument.

"Would you hold up!" Brady complained a hand over his abdomen.

"What?" she answered, trying to get over that hurdle of bad, wrong, not good points.

"It’s not really my kid."

"I . . . Wait, say that part again."

"It’s not mine, champ."

"So what the hell are you taking the credit for?"

"Because I can’t marry you if I already have another girl--"

"Pregnant," Mimi finished with a slow smile. "I was completely wrong. You, Brady Black, are an absolute GENIUS! Genius? Hell, you are a GOD!"

"I like to think so," Brady said with false nonchalance.

"So, did you talk to your father and grandfather?"

"Not yet."

"Oh, wait, what about Jason?"

"Did you not listen, love? Word is spreading fast in this gossiping town and soon enough that boy will see freedom and RUN for it."


"That’s when I tell Jan that, being the respectable man I am, I’ll take care of the little darling."

"To which she will be suspicious," Mimi added.

"And I will merely tell her how I dream of her every night," he said with obviously faux heartfelt love.

"I don’t know, maybe we should screw with her like this," Mimi said doubtfully.

"Oh, she was screwed long before now."

"Clever. Idiot. I mean this can’t be good for--"

"Which makes the second part of my plan so damn amazing," Brady said grandly. "Jan likes money, Jan doesn’t want to live with her parents. Jan will be paid off. *And* I’ll keep pushing the wedding date back until she has the kid so I get a nice DNA test saying a daddy I am not."

" If you can push past the date. *But* if all works out, my, my, you *are* the smart one. Come on, love, you can by me a drink and we can discuss whether I want to dump you in front of a room full of people or just an intimate gathering of the biggest blabbermouths in town," she said as they started to the outdoor café.

"I thought you wanted me to dump *you*."

"On this one the devastation factor is still up there so I don’t need you to humiliate me in front of a bunch of people, thanks anyway. Besides, the knowledge that the man I am desperately in love with fathered another woman’s child is pain enough." Mimi held her heart in mock pain as she collapsed onto one of the café chairs.

"Wait! Buttercup! I can explain!" Brady played.

"No, not another word, my stallion! You have broken this girl’s heart for the last time!" Mimi matched.

"Please don’t say that! I’ll do anything, name it! Jewelry, cars, clothes, anything you want!" Brady faux pleaded.

"No, I could never – How much jewelry?"

Both laugh and it seemed like something good came out of this. Though it was potentially the worst love match in history they were pretty good friends.

to be continued...

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