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Hi there. Welcome to my all new Anti Britney Spears website. Please read this before you proceed. It's extremely important that you do. I know I said I'd change this disclaimer, but I'm not in the mood to....

OK. Let me explain something to you teenyboppers out there. This is a humour site.
If Britney ever stumbles on this site, so what? If her feelings are hurt, maybe she'll realise that she got what was coming to her from the moment she started acting like a slut. I don't know why is it that she behaves that way. Doesn't she realise that there are thousands of teenage girls and pre-teenage girls that look up to her? They're getting the impression that acting like a whore and big breasts will get you somewhere in life. Oh sure, you'll get lots of boys following you; but which one of them is actually going to like you for who you are? None, of course. They'll all like you the same as they like Britney. To show off on their friends that they got a girl and to get a screw. If she wasn't such a whore, trust me, I would like her alot. I would even tolerate the nostril singing.
Secondly, even though I think Britney is ugly, I don't have anything against people who are. Why? Because deep down they are really nice people. But I'll make an exception on Britney Spears. She's not nice at all. It seems her philosophy of life is, "Bimbos rule!"
Thirdly, I'M NOT JEALOUS! I would never want to be like Britney Spears. Ever. My parents taught me what dignity, and chastity were all about. And I treasure what they told me very much. Yes, I do like some of her songs, not all, but some. And I think she's a really great dancer and gymnast, but not a good role model. Also, I'm no air head, I'll never want to be one. It seems that she has difficulty using creative vocabulary, and she behaves like a twit: you know, the word "like" ever so often (I hate that), and the silly giggling.
Do I believe she got the implants? Yes, I do. And before you teenyboppers get ready to send your hate mail, I'll put some logic into what I believe. When people noticed Britney's enhanced bust, of course they started asking questions if she did get implants, mostly because they were disgusted. And Britney would give the usual response that that was too personal to answer with the inclusion that she didn't find anything was wrong with breast implants. Now I can find millions of things wrong with breast implants, but that isn't the issue here. My point is that it took a really long time for Britney to say it was a sudden growth spurt. It makes no sense waiting so long to answer everyone unless you were coming up with a plausible lie. If she had said that she had gotten a growth spurt much sooner, I would have believed her- but she didn't, therefore, I don't.
Girls like her really disgust me.
I will also admit, that I think Britney is a great dancer and gymnast, but that's as far as her talent goes. Some of her songs do have a catchy beat and I respect that she wants to remain a virgin until she get's married. But why can't she be virginal?
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