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Steel Horses, Rails, and Bovine Buddies

Finally, the most recent pictures! Most of these were taken at the Wild Horses Monument (scenic view) overseeing the Columbia River near Vantage, WAH. Christine and I arrived late Saturday night (August 12th). Unfortunately, it was a little cloudy, and we missed the sunset.

Another opportunity to practice performing a makeover in a moving pickup truck. We were both amazed when we saw this picture. I look so different....

Pearl nail color is difficult!!

This next picture is my Melissa Etheridge impersonation, from the "Your Little Secret" CD.

We had a great late night tailgate party, and actually (and probably quite foolishly) slept in the bed of the truck, after drinking Merlot, watching the full moon and falling stars, and listening to Supertramp (live CD) and Peter Gabriel (live CD).

The next morning, I realized that one doesn't sleep with clip on earrings (OUCH!). Since we were thirsty, I cracked a Bud Light first thing in the morning (we had few provisions). Then after a little cosmetics touchup, we hiked up the steep trail to where the steel horses reside, carrying the camera, tripod, and props.

Honestly, that picture does NOT look like me at all (or even a "typical" Brandi picture). We could see the parking lot the entire time, but we didn't know if the few travelers down below were taking pictures of us, of the horses!

We noticed a pickup that pulled up right next to ours, which seemed odd, given how large the empty parking lot was. We didn't exactly want company when we came back down, so we were relieved when they pulled out rather quickly. We figured out why soon enough. They stole my boss's camera bag, with two lenses and the flash!!! (ASSHOLES)

How's this for perspective? These horses were welded to concrete footings. However, one of the horses had either been knocked down by vandals, or the high winds. (We thinks vermin).

As we climbed down the hill, a camper pulled up next to our pickup. Are we popular or what? It was a family with two children, and we just knew that "Dad" was going to ask us questions about what we were doing, hiking down this steep trail with camera, tripod, rope, guitar, etc. So Christine headed to the truck, and I walked the long way around to the other side of the parking lot so she could pick me up. I wasn't feeling very sociable and didn't want to sign autographs. Shor nuf', Dad started asking Christine all kinds of questions. Christine managed a quick getaway, Brandi hopped in, and we headed to George, Washington to get mochas. On the way, we decided we needed some "promotional pictures" (for Brandi's first CD) taken on or near some railroad tracks.

We thought we could find some tracks 15 miles West of the Columbia, on I-90, since there was a tressel overpass at Ryegrass, but those tracks had been removed apparently years ago. During our track trek, we came across this field of Cows.

How about a picture of Brandi, "branding cows?" They certainly knew what that rope was for, and moved from the fence rather quickly.

Finally, we eventually found some railroad tracks south of Ellensburg, on Canyon Road, alongside the Yakima River. It was along this popular road that many, many vehicles slowed down to honk and get a "better look."