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Adam's Website

It is great to be back folks! I am back after my 3-4 years off. The legend of Adam Sensation Central live on. I know most of my new visitors have no idea what my previous website was and how it came about so that is why I encourage you to read the History of ASC. Unofortunatly all my old material has been lost sense I have upgraded my computer several times. But I incourage you to relive the glory days as I mention some infamous Adam Poll titles such as...

Who's in the shower with Kevin..(The original Adam Poll)

Jenny's Boyfriend looks like which wild animal?...the one that caused almost a years falling out with Jenny

Dr. Marvin Monroe's: Are you a Flirt Test....the one that made fun of Jennifer and almost made Ben beat me up

Having Sex Online...the one that included Instant Messenger conversations with Nick (where Jeff and I pretended to be girls).

If you remember such titles as these chances are your one of the few people that actually read my old website. The legend lives on, and I will be thinking up new things to put on here.