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Chapter 5

The next day the girls went shopping, exploring the city, and all around got to know each other better. Before they knew it, it was Monday morning and they were standing in the lobby waiting for Andrea. Andrea had called the girls a few times over the past days, but none of them really had a chance to establish a relationship with her. As they waited, they talked about this. “Ya know, she really couldn’t be a worse manager. I mean, we haven’t even started yet, nothing! We are all new to this business, and she just throws us right into it. I don’t get it, there’s something weird about her.” Amber began.

"I agree," said Cara, “but we’ll be with her all day today, so I’m sure we’ll get to know her better. She has to start being more involved though, she IS our manager, and I’d like to know what’s going on.” Before she could go on, Andrea walked into the lobby.

“Hello girls. Aren’t we looking beautiful this morning? Today we are headed to the recording studio, you are NOT recording an album”, she laughed, “I hope you weren’t under that impression. You are recording one single, which will be distributed when you go on tour as a promotional thing. Then we will head to a rented office to practice the songs you will be singing on the tour.”

“Argh! I’m so excited!” Cara exclaimed, “so who are we going on tour with? When does it start? What’s the single?”

Andrea turned to Cara and said, “You’ll get the details of all that as time gets closer, right now you need to focus on your music, dancing, and the way you girls present yourselves. Last thing I need is you all getting your heads in the clouds over this tour. But, the single is called “Giving It All To You” I’ll tell you that much.” She turned around and started to walk away. The girls followed her outside to where a van was waiting for them and hopped inside.

When they got to the studio, they first met Don Princeton, the man who had written the songs they were going to be performing and would double as their vocal coach. He welcomed them by telling them how excited he was to meet them and finally have someone to perform his music. He had seen their tapes and informed them Cara and Jayna would share leads. He handed them each a paper with the lyrics, and played the instrumental track for them to listen along. The upbeat dance song started, and all the girls sat quietly only paying attention to the paper in front of them.

Giving It All To You

There was a time in my life when I never realized
I needed someone else with me
I was alone and fine, no man by my side
Just how I wanted it to be
You always asked me why I didn’t have a guy
And all I told you was so true
I wanna do my thing not be tied to a string
Do whatever I wanna do

When I wanna go out with my friends
I have no one giving me demands
Doing what I want, seeing who I want
Every little thing was just me me me .. oh!

Chorus – All:
But I’ve had enough hard times
Been through those lonely nights
It’s time for love boy and I’m giving it all to you
Been friends for oh so long
I never ever thought I’d feel this strong
But it’s time for love boy and I’m giving it all to you…

Chrissy smiled to herself as the song faded out, and couldn’t help but think “It really IS happening, this song has such hit potential”

Chapter 6
©2000-2001 -The original song title "Giving It All To You" and the lyrics contained within are the sole property of Kerri Drobish. Any reproduction of these original lyrics is strictly against the law. All violators WILL be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.