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Well everyone, as you all know, for some reason or another Daron has "fired" me from the MWA. I was informed by Chris & Garo that that had happened. (because i couldn't see for myself. i was blocked). I was also informed that i had received a "threat" from Daron. I just have one thing to say for this, and this goes for everyone. Don't go making fake promises (to try to act big) that you know you won't do. If he was half serious, he wouldn't have blocked me from the site. That way, he could have showed that he wanted me to read. But that didn't really bother me. 1 thing that bothered me was that he insulted me on MSN. You know, before you insult someone you should take some steps back and re-think it over. I mean, all you said was that i was short (the rest I think you looked in the mirror and you wrote it). Is that supposed to offend me? I can insult you 10000 times a minute. Its's true, it's true. But I'm not as low as you. I will never EVER sink as low as what you did (Although I should have). But the thing that really troubled me was that a lot of people weren't saying anything. Then, lightining strook and this phone call changed everything ...

I picked up the phone and Raffy was on the other line. HE told me that he didn't agree 1% over what happened. He said that he was going to quit the MWA and was going to ask his release. He then said, that I should do something about it. He then proposed for US (me & him) to make our OWN fed. I accepted and it was done. We decided to call it the EWA (Extreme Wrestling Association).

There are numerous differences in this fed. Here they are:
- No matches end in DQ (hardcore) (however, not all matches are brawls)
- There is NO president. No one can be fired.
- Me and Raffy are the bookers (Equally), however, we do not have more power than anyone else.
- Every wrestler has 2 characters (that have been picked)
- There will not be any contracts, forms, rules (just don't kill the guy), etc.
- It will be FUN (it's a game, so enjoy it, don't get powercrazy) wrestling.
- Every wrestler will win belts.
- Other minor points might be added later

In the EWA (Extreme Wrestling Association), we already have 5 wrestlers (Raffy, me, Arthur, Vahe and Johny). Those are the people that we (Raffy, Me) asked. Others that will be asked are Garo, Chris, Roubig, Stepo, Hagop, Armando and ............ [if he apoligizes] Daron. Raffy and me both agree that I shouldn't invite Daron to the first couple (4-5 wrestlefests), but as I said before, I am not a low human being. But only if he apoligizes straight out. No bullsit. If he doesn't, we will do wrestlefests without him. In case people are wondering (Garo, Chris, Roubig, Stepo, Arthur, Vahe will win belts in the first PPV). The others will win at the next ones. Most of you have a big name change, others have a small one. So, we have requested that you join the (no-prez) EWA and we await your response the next time you come. Once again, Raffy, Michael, Johny, Arthur and Vahe have agreed to join the EWA and not any other fed (specifically the MWA). Once you join the fed, you can only wrestle here.

In closing I say, the friend I see the LEAST, rang my phone like a MAN, and acted like a TRUE FRIEND!!!!

the Chosen 1 "Min Bin"