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Naming Your Slaves

Being a Goddess to millions of men is not always as easy as it seems. Sometimes you just can't remember their names. That’s why nicknames are always A great alternative. They'll never know you forgot and a happy slave is a Useful slave. Category 1: The Useless slaves.... It really doesn’t matter what you call the useless slaves. The poor unfortunate saps will keep coming back anyway. Just remember to Not use swear words. A potty mouth is not a pretty mouth. Category 2: The Servant Slaves... Servant slaves can be referred to as dear, buddy, anything in a friendly manner. Remember to never use category 3 names though. It just gets there poor little hopes up. Then when the letdown hits They’re not as effective. Category 3: The Love Slaves... Sweetie, honey, darling, anything of an affectionate nature Works with a Category 3. Cute little nicknames are fun and Will keep them in their place, which is to please you. Category 4: The Keeper Slave... You never forget the name of a keeper. Just be sure not To yell out his name when you’re with lower level slaves.

Category 5: The Royalty Slave... Only respectful names are to be used for these slaves. They have earned it. For they are almost as good as you are..almost.