My Bosson Concert Experience

I wanted to share how I became such a huge fan of Bosson. Well it almost didn't happen at all because I am in no way a Britney Spears fan. My friend Becca knew a guy who didn't want to go to the Britney concert anymore and offered her the ticket. Well we decided that since LFO was the opening act that we would love to see them perform. It was Friday, March 10th and we got there and found our seats which were horrible! They were on the last row on the floor so when people in the front and middle stood on their chairs we couldn't see a thing! But anyways we had never heard of Bosson before but we saw his poster and thougt he was extremely attractive. When he came on stage and performed I was amazed! He actually sang and danced and made the audience feel like a part of the show! I absolutely loved it! I was taking pictures the whole time and my roll had run out. Well I thought it automatically rolled it up but I was wrong and opened the camera exposing the film and ruining it, all my Bosson pictures were gone. I was really upset and I wanted to cry but I didnt'. Soon after Bosson's performance LFO came out and performed it was good but I was still in awe of Bosson. There was a really long intermission before Britney came onstage so Becca and I (Ashley) went to get drinks. Well Bosson walked right by me and I about passed out. I motioned Becca to get a picture cause I was out of film so she ran after him and took a picture of him walking(the pic came out and his head was turned) why to this day I still dont know but we didn't think he was staying out there so we went back to our seats. Britney's concert ended at about 10:00, well at about 9:45 my friend Kristina(who was also there) tells me that she got Bosson's autograph and took a picture with him! Becca and I quickly ran out into the lobby to find Bosson. Well we found him but his manager told us that we were to late and he had to go. Imagine the disappointment on my face. Once again I had missed my chance to meet Bosson. He must have seen the sadness in my eyes cause he told me and Becca we could walk with him to the elevator. How sweet was that?! We didn't have a marker so he couldn't sign anything and we were both out of film so no picture! No proof at all! Someday I hope to get that autograph and picture! I absolutely love Bosson! and I can't wait to get his c.d. when it comes out!