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My Forum Members: 2
Days till schools out: ? 210 ?
Musik: Badly Drawn Boy
Song: Year of the Rat


11-25-04: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. Yes so today has been a rather boring day. With the exception of the meal. Um, i've had a request to put up some of the hot tub photos of corey and all of us. lol. those are up and i've put up some of my favorite movies and bands(at the moment)*note: click on Fotos to view. So, ya tomorrow i'm going to columbus and i'm not sure when i'll be home. I'm hoping sometimes saturday so i can go to se joe play with Ali and Melissa. Anyway, Since no one ever calls my cell phone other than my mom i'm putting my cell phone number on the internet so you can CALLLLL MEEEE! (330)219-0676. Please even if i'm in columbus call me! I want friends *hint*hint* anyways i'm out, later.

11-7-04: yay my banner finally works. Um i've updated my journal and i've put up my disney trip and new york trip fotos. and damn bush for winning. that is all. goodnight.

10-30-04: Happy Halloween Everybody. Hope yours has been funner than mine. Um i'm really tryin' hard to get this site goin' but it' been tuff lately. um election night is nov. 2nd so please try to get out there and vote. *cough* for kerry *cough* ... oo i'm sorry i must be getting a terrible cold. please excuse me. um well that's really it for now. later kids.

10-17-04: Well this weekend, the band traveled to alliance and lost. Not suprising. I went to new york city for the first time. it was fun. If you want to see and hear about my traveles just click on Fotos link on the menu. then click on NYC trip 1. Well that's pretty much it for now. later.

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