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T.R.N. Guild News


Rainbow Leader
Co Owner Anna
Co Owner Kate
Co Owner Chaz
Council Cybunny

..:Guild Info:..

Home Page
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon

..:Guild Links:..

Guild Home
Donation Shop
Guild Message Board

Newsletter of T.R.N.G

The Rainbow Neopets Guild. New but it still is a great guild! Founded on March 7th 2004, this guild continues to grow. With 6 members and rising, we are sure to be a sucess. Ever hate it when guilds have premade layouts, unactive or very little members and no fun? Well don't you worry! There is non of that here! So come on in today, it couldn't hurt to look.

When you join the guild, you get a free petpet as a welcoming gift!


..:Guild Contests and Games:..

coming soon

coming soon
coming soon
