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Good day mates I am Jaques the koalala bear. I had an amazing adventure this morning... The Battle for Cot Hill.
It all started when Fighter (my platypus freind) challenged Buzby the Bufflo that Fighter and I were stronger then him. When Fighter told me i was angry, but knew that with Buzby, there was no explaining. So i gathered up eveyone who was there ( and would help) and proceeded to go to the top of of Cot Hill. Once there we waited, readed rocks for our slingshots and made ready. We didnt have long, though. Buzby soon appeared at the base of the hill with HIS force. Well mates I was ready to go and climb to the tob of a Eukalayle tree, bu i decided to fight. WE laid them high and low with rocks sticks, and the occasonal taunt. The thing that won it was Sammy the flying squirrl's raid over Buzby's force. They had no air animals and so that was one high flying idea( ha ha ha a little humor mates.) All-in-all we drove them away, but I made Fighter promise to never do something like that again. He would learn, right? I hope so, but with Fighter I may have to keep a stash of rocks under my bed.
Buzby's charge up the hill. Sammy's daring flight