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Welcome to my world...

This is my first attempt at writing a webpage. I know it probably doesn't look too great right now, but it will eventually!! Keep checking back to see my updates!

E-mail me and let me know what you think!

Ever been to the Bahamas? I have not, but I plan on visting there this December. True, I will be there with Geography doing reseach...but, that is closer than I've ever been & I'm excited!

Last, but certainly not least, I have to mention my wonderful boyfriend! He means the world to me...

This would be a picture of my cute boyfriend and I, but seeing as how I am clearly not gifted in the art of getting images to display, you cannot see it! Sorry!

Favorite Movies (in no particular order)

My Favorite Web Sites

YSU Geography Department
Gerace Research Center on San Salvador Island
Star Wars
Internet Movie Database