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Hi! This is sweetaishaowner! What's up? this is my neopets page, her name is sakura, that sah-coo-rah, lol. Well anyways i'll let her talk since the is HER page.

Hi this is Sakura! I can't believe my owner waited this LONG to get this page moving! oi yoi yoi! Oh well, i love her anyways. Same with my sister' and brother. Kaila is my youngest sibling, Sweetbabyaisha has a nick name,we don't call her that so we just call her Mewani, and there's blancati,he turns different all the time! He's turned female, male, female, male, i wish the stupid lab ray would make up its mind. I hope he turns into something cool like a kacheek,kougra, or krawk, those are what my owner wants him to be ^_^ im glad she never changes me!