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So after about another month I update once again! It's sort or a regular schedule, in a way. Act three for Aramil is up, along with four more chapters for Joven. Once again, Al has refused to actually contribute anything, but that's ok, he has other good points....I think. Luke also receives a proverbial warning this time for telling me several times, "Hey, I think I'll write something for Osloth tonight." Only to get an enthusiatic, "Awesome." from me. However though, I waited all night and Osloth never showed up. I was crushed.


After only a month delay I'm back in action. Part three of Aramil's story should be out by summer. Chapter 2 of Sobek is up. It's top quality stuff. If anyone still checks this site, petition Gene (if you have his SN) to let me put up everything he's written about his campaign, because I have a fricking ton of it on my computer. Also, petition Al to get his lazy ass in gear and actually write some of what he keeps saying he's going to write. Also, I should point out that he wants a major in creative writing (partly), so he should practice now. I'm doing this for your own good Al. I apologize to anyone who actually reads the stuff here about the excessively long delay, but now I'm back at it, with a vengeance.


The third chapter of Osloth is up now. A check it out or pay the price. Bum bum bum...


After a minor delay, a new chapter for Joven is up, as well as the introduction of Sobek. The second act for Aramil is up now too. Woohoo! It's only a matter of time before carpal tunnel syndrome sets in!

On a side note, everyone who is not writing but should be (Steve, Al, and Ryan to name a few), know that I do have friends that will break your legs. Not really, but, well, you get the idea.


Put up sections of Osloth and Joven's stories. Be on the lookout for more to Aramil, and the entrance of Sobek and another guy (he's so mysterious, I don't even know his name).


Alright, time to kick the project off the ground. I'm sure you're all aware of my lack of technical aptitude, so be patient, and hopefully I'll get better as I go along. Until then, enjoy what I'm able to put up and if you want to get involved, please let me know.

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