All notes and comments by Elhath, ca. 2003.

A key to the abbreviations

PE = Parma Eldalamberon issue

Linguistic symbols

!     an updated form/spelling
#     extracted form
?     questionable (possibly obsolete) form
*     theoretical (unattested) form
**     obsolete or grammatically incorrect form

?acca      prep., adv. too, excessively (PE13:108).
?ambassë      n. breast-plate, hauberk (QL:30).
?angayassë      n. misery (LT1:249).
arcandë      n. petition (RAK- / VT44:5).

?elmenda      n. wonder, marvel (PE13:143).
#empanya- (empan-)      v. plant (VT27 pp. 20, 21). This verb is from the sc. "Two
      Trees Sentence", where it was presented in the subjectless plural pa.t. form

?famba      n. belly, fat body (?FABA- / QL:36). The entry also includes ?fambo 'fat

?hacca      n. buttocks, hams (GL:47).
halta-      v. leap (?HALA- / PE12:39; LT1:254); said to have an irregular preterite (past
      tense) ?(e)hallë. Same entry also includes the adjective ?haloitë 'leaping'.
?      n. owl (PE12:40).
?hórë      n. pine, stone pine (QL:41).
?hyar      n. plough (LT2:342/350).

illumë      adv. always (VT44:9).
?inqa (= !inqua)      adj. same (QL:42).
?itsë      n. small fly (?ITI- peck, bite [of flies] / QL:43).

ca, cata, cana      prep. behind, at back of place (VT43:30). The Qenya word was
      **potë (QL:75).

?calassë      n. clarity, brilliance (GL:39).
carva      n. womb (KAR- / VT43:31). Synonymous to móna, q.v.
?kolosta      n. cucumber (QL:47).
?korda      n. temple (?KORO- revere / LT1:257).
?kordon      n. idol (?KORO- revere / LT1:257).
?kotë    n. nut (QL:48). "Plural accusative" is said to be ?kotsin (-in would indicate
      a plural dative in LotR-style Quenya); same entry also contains ?kotsivoitë
      'nut-bearing, nutty' and ?kottulë, ?kottulwë 'hazel'.

culuma      n. orange, the fruit (KUL- / Ety:365).

?      n. open space, moor, heath (?LAHA-, ?LA'A- / QL:50). Cf. Sindarin 'shallow
      lake, fenland' (UT:263).

?lenka      adj. slow (?LENE- / LT2:341/348).
?liantassë      n. vine (LT1:271).
?luksor (= !luxor)    n. swamp, bog (?LUKU- / QL:56).
?lúto      n. flood (LT1:249).

maita      adj. hungry (MAT- / VT39:11).
?melitsa      adj. beloved, favourite (QL:60).
mindë      n. turret (MINI- / VT42:24).
?mok-      v. hate (?MOKO- / QL:62; LT1:258). Given in an old verb-form, **mokir 'I
      hate' (pa.t. **môkë).

móna      n. womb (MÔ- / VT43:31). Synonymous to carva, q.v.

?naqa- (= !naqua-)      v. steal (?NAQE- / QL:64); given with a past tense ?nanqë (=
      !nanquë). The same entry also includes ?naqar (= !naquar) 'thief'.

?narwë      n. lily, sweet-lily (QL:68).
neldië      n. trinity (VT44:17).
?noldarë, ?nolpa      n. mole (GL:30). Maybe the latter variant would have a lesser
      chance of being misunderstood in a "mature" context..?

?norellë      n. cart (GL:31).
norsa      n. giant (NOROTH- / Ety:378).
?nyérë      n. grief (LT1:261).

?okka      n. knee (QL:70).
?ólemë      n. elbow (?OLO- tip / QL:69; LT1:258).
?orivainë      n. pea (QL:70).
?orva      n. apple (PE13:116).

?piukka      n. blackberry (QL:74; LT2:347/355).
?puhta-      v. have intercourse, copulate (PE13:147). The entry gives the same word
      for the noun (coitus) as well.

?qilë (= !quilë)      n. hue, colour (QL:77).
?qirmë (= !quirmë)      n. cream (QL:77).

?rama-      v. shout (?RAMA- / QL:78; LT1:259).
?róta      n. tube (?ROTO- hollow / LT2:347/355).
?rotsë      n. pipe (?ROTO- hollow / LT2:347/355).

?saipo      n. boot (PE12:82).
salma      n. lyre (QL:81; LT1:265; cf. Salmar?).
?saminda      adj. silken (QL:81).
sati-    v. set aside, appropriate to a special purpose or owner (SAT- / VT42:20). Does
-i- merely indicate the aorist (+ participle) stem?
satya    adj. private, separate, not common, excluded (SAT- / VT42:20).
?sesta-      v. compare (QL:82).
?silwin      n. birch-tree (QL:83).
?sito    n. habit, custom (?SITI-, ?SIT-U- / QL:84). Same entry also contains ?situ- 'am
      accustomed' (
-u- would indicate a reflexive verb in LotR-style Quenya; read
      *'be accustomed'?), ?sitsina 'habitual, customary, accustomed, usual,
      ordinary, common' and ?sitta irreg. impersonal form 'I am used to, I do

soica      adj. thirsty (SOK- / VT39:11).

?táta      n. hat (GL:71).
tercáno      n. herald (PM:362).
?tiqi- (= !tiqui-)      v. (intr.) melt (QL:92); pa.t. !tinquë. Should the -i- be interpreted
      simply as the aorist stem (3 sg. !tiquë, as with niquë 'it freezes' [WJ:417])?

?tusturë      n. tinder (QL:96; LT1:270).
?tuvu-      v. receive, accept, take, require, cost (QL:96; GL:71).
?tyur      n. cheese (QL:50).

?ulwë, ?uluswë      n. alder (QL:97).
úna      adj. destitute, forlorn (UGU-, UMU- / VT39:14).

?vainë      n. sheath (LT1:271).
?vainolë      n. quiver (LT1:271).
?vanessë      n. beauty (LT1:272).

?yaisa      n. steel (GL:37).

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