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Past News From

March 2003

March 30, 2003
Hello, all! My parents have been using the computer for taxes and stuff.... this is the first time all weekend that I've been on. Oh, well. I'm thinking about updating less often (like once or twice a week) but have the updates longer. Please email me with your thoughts!

March 27, 2003
I know, I know, I haven't updated for so long. I'm such a bad person. Anywho.... JKR gave birth to a baby boy! His name is David Gordon Rowling Murray. *cheers* Awwwwwww....! Best wishes to her family. In other news, the word 'Muggle' has been added to the Oxford Dictionary. *grins* Took 'em long enough! I have been overrun with homework and bad tests.... Cs and Ds! Wah. So.... I can't do anything! *starts crying*

March 22, 2003
OMG!!!!!!!!!! Mugglenet has a picture of the cover of the American version of 'Harry Potter and the Ordre of the Phoenix! I'm so excited! But I think it's really stupid looking. *twitches* And the font.... grrr.... Click here to look at the cover!

March 19, 2003
Hello world! Mom got back from the hospital okay, and has these really cool stitches in her side that make her look like Frankenstein's monster. I wanted to see her gallbladder in a jar, but they wouldn't let her take it home. *pouts* It's just not fair.... anyway, I've added another section to the navigational bar-thing which will hold everything you need to survive without Harry Potter. I also hope to get a new poll up soon.

March 18, 2003
Today my mom got her gallbladder removed. She's okay, but she's staying overnight at the hospital. Bet she's not too happy about that. *grins* Because I had no homework today, I have become rather productive. Knowing that a state like that wouldn't last, I put it to good use and made a list of books I recommend while waiting for the next Harry Potter book. It should be up by tomorrow. Also, I got my very own blog! For those of you who don't know, a blog is an online diary type thing. Everyone else has one, so why shouldn't I? The only thing is that because I don't want to pay for it, it's not nearly as fancy as some others. Oh, well. To check it out, click here.

March 16, 2003
*takes a deep breath* IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!! Wahooooo! Yay! I'm thirteen! The big 1-3! *blows a trumpet* I'm gonna sing myself a birthday song- en espanol!

¡Los cumpleaños felices a mí,
los cumpleaños Felices a mí,
los cumpleaños Felices estimado Tenebrae,
los cumpleaños Felices a mí!

I need to speak in Spanish more often. Wow! Hey, did you know that 'wow' spelled backwards is 'wow'? Wow.

March 12, 2003

Hey! Today was my friend Katie's birthday. She turned thirteen. Feliz cumpleanos a ti.... Whoops, forgot you guys can't speak Spanish. Anyway, I'm sorry for not getting a lot done. School is evil.... Evil.... *eye twitches*

March 9, 2003

Hello all! I updated the Quote of the Week and added a few links. It's only a week until my birthday! *blows a horn* Yipee!

March 7, 2003

No, I'm not dead- at least not yet. I just went on a very temporary hiatus, and now I'm back! Over the next few days, I will try to add some more links and press clippings. Please email me for any suggestions for this site!

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