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Sugarbee04's Fantasy World Welcome
[ Home ] Some of My Interests ] Photos & Art That I Like ] Favorites ] Favorite Pasttimes ] My Gift to You ] About Me ] More About Me ] A Little More of Me ]


Some of My Interests
Photos & Art That I Like
Favorite Pasttimes
My Gift to You
About Me
More About Me
A Little More of Me

Welcome to My World

This is About of the main reasons you're here I would imagine.  Welcome to my fantasy world.  Just follow the path....

Please leave a message in my journal on the last page, your thoughts won't be on public display unless you want them too.  I believe in a person's privacy and abide by their wishes. I have everything defaulted to private messages, I'm notified when you make an entry and will keep all messages private unless you tell me its ok to have others view your thoughts or messages to me.

I want to personally thank "G" at, my page backgrounds are used with permission from © All rights reserved.  This page was last updated on 04/08/04.       

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