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Want to SLeep Under the Stars at home?



Most hotel rooms around the world have a plain, boring ceiling.





NOTE:  Close the drapes, darken the room, and the magic begins!
Note:  In your home or hotel room, you normally won't see the furnishings in a darkened room... Just the stars!


Relaxing   Romantic   Educational   Stress-relieving
Virtually invisible during the day --
your room and ceiling looks the same as it always has.
But turn out the lights -- and the stars magically appear!
No bulky projectors.  No gaudy fiber optics.
No moving of furniture.  No room prep.
Non toxic, non radioactive.
Any ceiling.  Just call or Email me!
Lasts forever.




No room prep is necessary.
An exquisite trômpe-loeil masterpiece
based in the tradition of Old World fresco artists.
Found in both the modest and finest  of homes,
hotels, motels, and resorts worldwide. 
During daylight your room looks ordinary.
Your ceiling looks like it does right now.
The stars are not visible.  Your ceiling is ordinary.
But when evening comes and it's dark, your room 
magically disappears, and like having a glass ceiling or a
convertible roof, you are now relaxing under the
most beautiful starry sky imaginable! 

Descriptions of Other Themes Available


Theme #1

The Original Stargazing Ceiling

Dark space with thousands of dazzling stars and
constellations in their astronomically correct locations.
The majestic Milky Way is shimmering as a few
Shooting Stars pass by!  Simply magical.

Theme #2

Room Expansion Fantasy
As if you are lying down in a valley surrounded by beautiful,
majestic mountains all around you, off in the distance.
And of course, the stars in the heavens above.


Theme #3

In 1969...
Man walked on the moon.
In 2003...
You'll walk in space.
Lost In Space Fantasy

Have you ever wanted to "walk in space"
like the astronauts?
The ultimate virtual reality.
As though you're relaxing in deep space,
surrounded by thousands of stars way off in the distance!
Get up and walk around... but hold onto that bedpost.
It's quite easy to lose your equilibrium!

Theme #4

Battle in Space Fantasy

Also... Imagine an exciting battle in space right above your home!
Starships and battlecruisers engaged in a full fledged war
complete with lasers, photon torpedoes, and protective shields!

Theme #5

The Roswell Connection Fantasy
You've just been beamed up to an alien flying saucer!
As you await quietly on the examination table, you become instantly
terrified as you notice the medical probe coming at you.
You force yourself to look away.
Suddenly, you notice a calming and relaxed feeling about you
as you look out the portal windows into the vastness of space.
The stars twinkling around you...  The glorious space that you love.
You enter a trancelike state of mind and fall asleep.
You awaken totally refreshed in your own bedroom.  It's morning...
You feel lucky that you met your Starscapes® Artist-Illusionist.
You smile as you listen to your favorite radio station.  Then...
You discover that you don't have a radio,
just a funny little bump on the back of your neck.
(do do do do -- do do do do.)

Starscapes International

Licensed Starscapes® Artist-Illusionists Available Around the World
For your Appointment and FREE demonstration, anywhere in the world, leave your contact information, address, and zip/postal codes.

USA telephone 1-480-926-1982
Arizona, United States of America
Email Me:

Carlos Noyola



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