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Hello and welcome to our online 1920's museum, a project produced by Molly King, Markel Lay, and Amanda Bradshaw of Mr. Erickson's 1st period A.P. U.S. History Class at Bella Vista High School in Fair Oaks, Ca.

The guidlines of this assignment were to create a layout plan based upon information from "roaring" 1920's period of United States History. Most students created planned layouts or amature three-dimensional models using cliché cardboard and Elmer's glue to contstruct their replicas. We decided to take a different approach, thus creating an online museum for all to see.

The image above is the aerial view of our museum. The actual builing is shaped as the words "The 1920's" and letter and punctuation mark contains a separate room of a separate genre, pertinent to the time period. The following is a list of each room:

T - "'We're Going to the Mattresses': Gangsterism of the 1920's"

H - "A Blaze of 20's Literature"

E - "The Swingers and the Cats: Jazzy Jazz of the 1920's"

1 - "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"

9 - "They Make 'Em So You Can Break 'Em: Policies"

2 - "The Oval Office: Presidents of the 1920's"

0 - "Flappers and Fashion"

' - "Entertainment"

s - "Transportation"