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For over one hundred years the public have made sworn testimonies about the existence of ghosts and aliens and there encounters with these extra-terrestrial and paranormal visits.
But recent information has leaked from the deepest files of our government conspiracy files that prove what people are seeing and hearing are incorrect and are in fact our own bodily secretions and flatulants.

See Pictures below and captions from Reknown Scientists

"We have known all too long of these mysterious gas secretions from our skins, it is only until now that a few of us have lost everything through other experiements and have nothing to look forward to in life that we can share this with the public" - Dr. William Hurse III

Have you ever heard someone say they have seen a ghost or an alien? Have you ever found yourself sitting alone in a room and hear what sounds like a door creaking open?

Scientists have proven the non-existence of aliens and ghosts back in 1903 when a certain smell came from an experiment that was being performed. Thus the birth of the SkinFarts AKA - Ghosts and Aliens.

Dr. Alexander Grandston was looking at specimens through a magnifying glass when a certain stench arose. He knew he was the only one in his laboratory and he did not pass gas...or so he thought. A week later the same thing occurred and he was looking closely at the pores on his arms and saw one open and if it were sweating but instead of our salty water, gas flowed through. Excited about this find he knew he had to keep it set aside. Afterall, what would the town think of him if he ran out and told them that his skin "farted".
This is the first case of skin farts ever recorded in the history of man. Pictures of scientist findings past that have been provided for your viewing.