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(04:44:36 )
.Artificial. .Person.

says to descendants.of.magdalene: lol

(04:44:47 )
.Artificial. .Person.

says to · Ruin Without Remorse ·: gnite mang !

(04:45:44 )
· Ruin Without Remorse ·

« ¦ ± ` I S A C A R O N ´ ± ¦ »
«± I Once Dreamed Of Death, Now Death Dreams Of Me ±»

says to descendants.of.magdalene: (Night night everyone! -LOL- Take it easy)

(04:46:07 )
.Artificial. .Person.

: -exits too-

(04:46:22 ) descendants.of.magdalene
: [ya ya!-flees-]

(04:50:59 )
...::Ñòñ~Èx§î†ãñ† ®éàlí†ÿ::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
: Enters the room...

(04:57:46 )
...::Le Demonic Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is in the City of Ancients ALL: ...

(04:59:49 )
...::Le Demonic Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY ALL: ::She moved through the city easily broken promise to Aaron, she left the house and her things behind.....oh she'd be returning of course, just not quite as she had left. Her anger was freash and new, her heart pounded but she didnt even feel it. she made her way to the roof top silently barly noticing the people walking by her on the streets, she knew where she was going as if she was being called there she wasnt she'd called the lil meeting. She would stop feeling, what was the point? she reached the roof easily enough and lit a ciggarette, exhaling the smoke slowly into the night air, prepairing for a short yet annoying wait::

(05:00:56 )
.....:Black Legion:.....
Esteban Escalante
‡ Fallen ArchAngel ‡
¤¤¤ Legion ¤¤¤
: Enters the room...

(05:02:40 )
...::Le Demon Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY ALL: -dances at right codes-

(05:03:57 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
: Enters the room...

(05:04:33 )
...::Le Demon Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY ALL: ((DADDY-rotflmfao))

(05:07:35 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
says to ...::Le Demon Bitch:....: [Not funny -chuckles-]

(05:07:48 )
...::Le Demon Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY ALL: ((den why yuh laughin? -snickers- yer post-l-))

(05:10:10 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ALL: -Slowly a startling sound erupts in the rather quiet night, black flames tipped with blue embers begin circling an area and he emerges from within, looking around with cold black eyes.-

(05:13:23 )
...::Le Demon Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ((hehe-dances-)) ::the Ciggarette flicked from her hand as her gaze watched his form appear. she was surprised and curious, but she refused to let the small amounts of fear show, she stood slowly, blue eyes watching him for any sudden movements, her head tilted she wanted to say something, but "hey there how yuh doin" didnt quite seem to fit::

(05:17:22 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch:....: -His gaze slowly, with an eerie gleam in his eyes moves towards your form, locking eyes with you, tilting his head slightly his brow arches. Not moving yet he remains where he is, dressed from head to toe in black or at least it appears to be black, the full length leather coat blocks the visibility of the rest of his attire. His gaze is piercing as if he is looking through you, not at you and his eyes speak for him. Simply waiting for you to speak first.-

(05:19:16 )
...::Le Demon Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::she held his gaze for another few minutes and then shuddered and looked away. She didnt like that stare, like he was about to open hismouth and swallow her whole at an moment:: what would it make Me like You? ::She looked up at him her gaze firm again:: To take away this core, and replace it with something....different? ::her tone was soft, almost shy but she meant every word::

(05:23:16 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch:....: -He chuckles, deep and dark before speaking, his words are equally as deep and dark.- "It would simply take one of my kind to give you the blood of a Fallen. To take what you are and strip you of such. Take you down to nothing but a shell of your former self, then rebuild you with the blood of power." -Pausing he now walks towards you, with movements slow and calculating, the utmost grace is shown with each step.-

(05:25:38 )
...::Le Demon Bitch:...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::She watched him, her head tilted slightly, she listend taking in each word carefully:: I don't want to be this any be human, with a human's hearts and a human's feelings....::She looked up again her brow raised:: will You make it so? Take this humanity away and give me something more?

(05:28:51 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch:....: -Considering you a damsel in distress in a manner of speaking he smirks. Smirks because you mention the word humanity. What is that exactly? Something he has never used nor was ever concerned with, merely another useless word that takes up space in a dictionary.- "You wish to be immortal, to have power beyond your mortal mind can comprehend? You realize that this is something you can not turn back time after it has taken place and change it......yes?" -His eyes narrow into small black slits as he awaits your answer.-

(05:40:35 )
...::Ñòñ~Èx§î†ãñ† ®éàlí†ÿ::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
: Enters the room...

(05:42:31 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: Thats the point. ::She looked up at him her tone just as grave and just as serious:: To never be this pathedtic again, to never feel what I feel now again, to be more and discreate one less waste. I understand completly.

(05:46:13 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Ñò&nt: -He nods only once, crossing his arms over his broad chest, eyes never leaving yours, his just as serious if not more serious than your own.- "Very well. First, I give an option. Persue this or cut your losses and forget this conversation ever happened. Because if you want this as much as your human heart tells you. There are certain 'laws and rules' that must be kept and followed explicity. If they are not then I or my father will take rites given to Sire and the head of the family. If you a certain this is what you want. I will tell you what you need to know before you become one of mother nights children."

(05:48:48 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::She looked at him and Opened her mouth then shut it again, her gaze hitting the ground under her feet as her arms rested on her hips, she looked up again slowly and nodded:: Tell Me, There is no turning back. only forword.

(05:55:12 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: -Nodding again he begins speaking, a tone of utter and complete seriousness.- "First and above all else is respect. You must respect others of your kind unless they give you reason not to. Respect the elders because they are your teachers, disrespect follows punishments. Trust me, they are not something you would enjoy, I speak from experience. Your Sire, namely myself hold rites of Sire which if you betray me or my family to the point of harm. You'll be destroyed, that is non-negotiable. My father MUST meet you." -He pauses for a moment to let the first bit of information sink in before he goes forward.- "Now, with the change you will grow a set of wings, gain my family's powers. These are strictly for the family, scrolls are given by the head of this family. My father Drakkar Darkborn. You will learn your abilities, lack of knowledge of them and their uses is not tolerated in this house. We are quite a powerful family and plan on keeping it such. So my dear, you are going to be trained in the Darkborn arts. Are you following me so far?" -His brow raises slowly.-

(05:57:42 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::She sat down, it was cold, it was late and cold and she felt it in her bones she listened to every word though her eyes resting firmly on his as her head bobbed slightly:: I Respect everyone with i the fold, unless they deserve less, I learn My best and stay outta trouble, got it.

(06:01:29 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: "Good. These are the rules of myself and my family. My father, whom after your embracement are required to meet will have many more things to discuss with you. This is another one of those non-negotiable terms. If you betray me or this family................" -He pauses, still not knowing your name he tilts his head a moment.- "I will take your head. If you still even hearing I will kill you without a second thought then stand and let mother night take you into her eternal embrace.-

(06:03:11 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::She nodded and stood again pacing not out of nervousness, well yeah maybe, but because she was damned cold:: I undertstand the rules Ares Darkborne, do not think I did not learn all I could on Your family before I started this venture I accept Your terms and any that may follow.

(06:03:13 ) just me : Enters the room...

(06:05:31 ) peeker : Enters the room...

(06:07:50 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: -He smirks and watches you, the cold will soon stop as he moves closer to you, circling you, stopping behind you. You hear a small growl emit from him as he bares a dual set of fangs.- "Excellent." -Wrapping an arm around you, merely for support because you will be even weaker than you are now, he lowers his head pulling you closer to him and pierces your flesh without a moment of hesitation. The pain is immense at first but soon passes and actually begins to feel pleasing in a manner of speaking.-

(06:10:01 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::She watched him, carefully of course, but her body moved because he moved it, she tilted her head and ground her teeth together, refusing to scream, she let out a slow breath as the pain slid away slowly, she felt the blood trickle from her veins into his mouth, some spilling down her shirt but she didnt care. where most would feel fear, or exciement Sarah only just now began to feel release. her fingers wrapped tightly around his arm not begging for him to let go but for further support but even that dwinled as her energy slipped away with his drinking of her blood::

(06:14:45 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: -His teeth damn near scrape bone as he sinks his fangs even further into your neck, draining your mortal life from you, taking every bit of blood you hold in your frame. A low growl passes his lips, vibrating against your neck...partially due to the fact this is not only an embracement for him but a feed, and a feed he has not had in quite some time. As you near passing he knows when to stop, and slowly he withdraws his bloodstained fangs from your flesh, leaving just a drop or two of your human life. Flicking his tongue across the fang marks they heal and he keeps his arm around you still while raising his right arm and rips a gash in his wrist.- "Now, drink and live forever." -Pressing his wrist to your lips he holds it there.-

(06:18:06 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ((just a TAD bit cleche duncha think?-g-)) ::She finally did scream out it hurt, but even still fear did not set in this time, she refused to allow it, again she moved because he aided her in doing so. Her tounge slid out lazily to brush across his wound, like a dog licking at a bowl of water, but soon she felt his blood and the power that came with it the hunger it brought, she stood slowly still leaning gently against him as she held onto his wrist, her eyes closing as she continued to drink she had no idea when to stop but she didnt want to, she wanted to live forever, but it wasnt that that drew her to his blood and it wasnt just the hunger either, what she wanted came slowly, the stop of her heart beat slow and with out rythem, the dying of her flesh, her organs, the cold cruel reality that came with being a fallen, she snarled slowly trying to pull away, full, but still she continued to feed::

(06:18:29 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ((just a TAD bit cleche duncha think?-g-)) ::She finally did scream out it hurt, but even still fear did not set in this time, she refused to allow it, again she moved because he aided her in doing so. Her tounge slid out lazily to brush across his wound, like a dog licking at a bowl of water, but soon she felt his blood and the power that came with it the hunger it brought, she stood slowly still leaning gently against him as she held onto his wrist, her eyes closing as she continued to drink she had no idea when to stop but she didnt want to, she wanted to live forever, but it wasnt that that drew her to his blood and it wasnt just the hunger either, what she wanted came slowly, the stop of her heart beat slow and with out rythem, the dying of her flesh, her organs, the cold cruel reality that came with being a fallen, she snarled slowly trying to pull away, full, but still she continued to feed::

(06:23:34 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: [Hey its 6:00 am deal -laughs-] -He allows you to feed for a while longer, giving you enough of his vitae to sustain you until your next feed. You may not know when to stop but he of course does. And when he feels that you have enough of his vitae he prys his wrist from your mouth, releasing you and stepping back, moving over to the ledge and he sits slowly, letting his wrist heal on its own as he now waits for the transformation.- "I hope you enjoy pain Sarah. Because it is about to come full force and rip through you like a thousand blades." -Nodding he waits the forming of your wings.-

(06:26:33 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::She watched him and backed away herself, to stop the inclination to jump on him an feed s'more heh, she licked at her lips, looking up as he spoke:: I've had pain before.....much more then most can will be worth it ::She said softly but the change was already begining, she took a slow breath, it was a termor at first, just like an itch in her shoulder blades but it grew and none too slowly, there really wasnt time to prepare for it, she fell to one knee, her fingers pressing tightly against the ground she wasnt "breathing" but she was taking breaths, one slow yet long breath at a time, tears slid down from her eyes, tears of blood she knew, but she didn't mind, it hurt like a mother fucker, but it WOULD be worth it, because she would make it be so::

(06:29:37 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: -Regaining his strength now he stands, of course he could make the pain not hurt as bad but he decides otherwise. Nobody helped him in this matter so it was nice to cause this pain in another. He watches silently, having nothing to say as for the moment there is actually nothing he could find to say to you. Crossing his arms he simply remains standing near the ledge.-

(06:32:37 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::yeah its about this time, for an instance, shes ready to push him off that ledge, he shoulda laughed at her and walked away heh, but he didnt, but that thought only lasted a second. She wanted this, the good and the bad her flesh began to litterally tear apart over her shoulder blades, she screamed out finally her fingers clawing at the ground she'd held it in remarkably well this time, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and slowly the bones and muscles that would in a few minutes become her wings, began to emerge she suddenly had a new respect for any woman who gave birth, litterally. she was panting though it wasnt from breath, her cheeks were stained a deep crimson blood but shed only let out that one scream and that was all she would allow herself::

(06:35:18 ) sylence : Enters the room...

(06:36:55 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: -Oh laugh he does but walk away he will not. He is sadistic but not completely a cruel bastard. His smirk spreads across his lips as he allows his own wings to burst from his back in a wave of black flames tipped in blue embers, wrapping them around his form he watches with a wicked amusement at your pain. A chylde of his you are but that does not mean he will change, pain or at least giving pain to someone is one of his little perks in this form of life.-

(06:39:26 ) Sewer Helicopter : Enters the room...

(06:40:57 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ((BASTARD~l~ I Say this with complete and total surprise-snort-)) ::the pain began to decrease as slowly as it came which is to say not so slowly, the wings were wet with blood and in the moonlight one such as Ares or Drakkar, would be able to see the blood glisten over her wings, she purred slowly feeling the pain decrease not because the pain wass going but because it felt...great....knowing every inch of her body, in a way no human could comprehend, she could hear conversations in the office or apartment below her, crickets chirping, she could feel life...and death as it came and went, and it pleased her, with every inch of her being. She stood slowly and wiped her eyes, her fingers reached out to carress her wings and she giggled softly it ticked, alot but she enjoyed it. not quite as large as his, as she was only 5'9 herself but they still folded around her black as onyx the tips a deep but brilliant shade of purple, she looked up slowly seeing his smirk, she smiled some and gazed back down at her wings::

(06:46:04 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: -Still he smirks but now he offers you a nod.- "Sarah, you are now a chylde of the Darkborn Family, as well as my daughter. You have made a choice, I hope you can live with such. I will give you two nights to explore your new life, your wings and what power you find on your own. But on the second night you must seek me out. You now have a bond to me, blood of course. That alone will give you my location most of the time. Either that or you will pick up on the scent of one of your many family members. Soon Father awaits and will be quite interested in meeting his granddaughter."

(06:47:51 ) Anonymous is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ::she was by and far not paying attention to his words ,but she heard every one of them, and respected them as such:: Why am I your first? ::She looked up quietly, as she said she had indeed read up on thie Darkborns, she wasnt stupid of course she had made her choice, and she would stick with it, her arms folded under her wings as her cheek snuggled one, her smile was slow as the pleasure came with flesh on feather::

(06:48:53 )
Old World Oracle
Lady Tarot Di Heartless

Spawn of Pagan
Keeper of Secrets
is atop one of the buildings in NY ALL: [-adjusts-] -She steps from a rift with a slow sinuous twitch, the anguished aria of souls screaming rifling through the air for a long and lingering moment before the doorway to the Sudario closed. Shadows swirled around her feet, flaring up suddenly as she stepped forward, the effect one of almost floating across the rooftop towards the edge. A quick glance around showed she was alone, fathomless eyes that raged with hells fire shifting sight from one reality to the next in a swift blink. The wind whipped around her, penumbral curls filtering behind her like a lazy shadow, black leather snapping with the teasing licks of mother natures wrath. Her gaze turned to sweep over the city, dark and distant, the faintest of smiles playing upon the sanguine curve of bloodless lips, surveying this chaotic kingdom. She could still taste the insanity, and it buffered her against the night.-

(06:50:24 )
...::Ñòñ~Èx§î†ãñ† ®éàlí†ÿ::...

..:::Sarah Michelle Darkborn:::..
.:::Daughter of Ares Darkborn:::..
.:::The Fallen Sin:::..
: test

(06:51:15 )
...::Le Demon Bitch;::...

..:::Sarah Michelle:::..
She Lives For The Pain
The Pleasure
Devoted To The Devils Mark
is atop one of the buildings in NY (†The Fallen Executioner: ((just a TAD bit cleche duncha think?-g-)) ::She finally did scream out it hurt, but even still fear did not set in this time, she refused to allow it, again she moved because he aided her in doing so. Her tounge slid out lazily to brush across his wound, like a dog licking at a bowl of water, but soon she felt his blood and the power that came with it the hunger it brought, she stood slowly still leaning gently against him as she held onto his wrist, her eyes closing as she continued to drink she had no idea when to stop but she didnt want to, she wanted to live forever, but it wasnt that that drew her to his blood and it wasnt just the hunger either, what she wanted came slowly, the stop of her heart beat slow and with out rythem, the dying of her flesh, her organs, the cold cruel reality that came with being a fallen, she snarled slowly trying to pull away, full, but still she continued to feed::

(06:51:39 )
of the Intellect
: Enters the room...

(06:52:11 )
...::Le Fallen Bitch::...

..:::Sarah Michelle Darkborn:::..
.:::Daughter of Ares Darkborn:::..
.:::The Fallen Sin:::..
is atop one of the buildings in NY ALL: -beats codes all to hell-

(06:54:15 )
(†The Fallen Executioner†)
I am the reaper of men, the chaser of souls, I am the weaver of nightmares, the heart of darkness, I am now and ever will be the purity of evil.
(†)Ares Darkborn(†)
(‡Spar/Boonz Trainer‡)
{«True Darkborn Blood»}
†¡†Pure Fallen Arch-Angel†¡†
is atop one of the buildings in NY ...::Le Demon Bitch;::..: "Truth be told. I do not know, consider it a chance at being something great. But remember my words Sarah. Betray or harm me or my family in ANY way, you'd better take your own life because I will torture you for years before finally handing you over to my Father." -His words hold a slight hatred, but not at you, merely the way he speaks, but they are completely serious.- "Two nights. Its all I am letting you have........for now. See you soon Darkborn chylde." -As he turns and moves away from you a rift erupts with flames, and he steps through it vanishing from sight......and leaving a chill about the area of the rooftop.-

(06:54:17 ) nog : sneaks in...