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BlueEyez29745 (2:58:16 PM): Hello
m a L ee 087 (2:58:24 PM): hi
BlueEyez29745 (2:58:33 PM): this is DL
m a L ee 087 (2:58:43 PM): oh, ok...
BlueEyez29745 (2:59:12 PM): so why did u say you wish i was joking?
BlueEyez29745 (2:59:20 PM): i mean i have been single far too long
BlueEyez29745 (2:59:50 PM): well
m a L ee 087 (2:59:52 PM): yeah, but i was just joking in your thread.
m a L ee 087 (2:59:55 PM): i'm 16.
BlueEyez29745 (2:59:56 PM): oh
BlueEyez29745 (3:00:01 PM): :'(
BlueEyez29745 (3:00:10 PM): no girls will like me then
BlueEyez29745 (3:00:19 PM): i am ugly
BlueEyez29745 (3:00:28 PM): i am fat
m a L ee 087 (3:00:35 PM): do you have any pictures/
m a L ee 087 (3:00:37 PM): ?
BlueEyez29745 (3:00:37 PM): i need to lose 100 pounds
BlueEyez29745 (3:00:39 PM): yes
BlueEyez29745 (3:00:40 PM): :'(
BlueEyez29745 wants to directly connect (3:01:16 PM).
BlueEyez29745 is now directly connected (3:01:17 PM).
BlueEyez29745 (3:01:41 PM):

BlueEyez29745 (3:02:05 PM): thats me
BlueEyez29745 (3:02:07 PM): :'(
m a L ee 087 (3:02:14 PM): ok, so why are you making a thread about it in the JC? most people will just make fun of you for that.
BlueEyez29745 (3:02:37 PM): well
BlueEyez29745 (3:02:44 PM): how else can i get a girl>?
BlueEyez29745 (3:02:49 PM): no girl likes me
BlueEyez29745 (3:02:53 PM): i am ugly
m a L ee 087 (3:03:16 PM): do you say that to every girl you talk to?
BlueEyez29745 (3:03:27 PM): no
BlueEyez29745 (3:03:33 PM): its just what they say to me
m a L ee 087 (3:03:41 PM): then why would you want to be with them anyway?
BlueEyez29745 (3:03:51 PM): cause i wanna be kissed
BlueEyez29745 (3:03:55 PM): and loved
BlueEyez29745 (3:03:59 PM): i want a star wars girl
m a L ee 087 (3:04:20 PM): well, making a thread about it probably won't do you any good.. try posting in the matchmaker thread or something.
BlueEyez29745 (3:05:35 PM): i have tryed aol chat rooms
BlueEyez29745 (3:05:41 PM): and girls block me after they see my pic
BlueEyez29745 (3:05:46 PM): i guess i am ugly
m a L ee 087 (3:06:26 PM): well, maybe if you didn't have such low self-esteem, girls would talk to you.
BlueEyez29745 (3:07:02 PM): fine
BlueEyez29745 (3:07:06 PM): i am gonna kill myself
BlueEyez29745 (3:07:15 PM): i want a family
BlueEyez29745 (3:07:42 PM): I have A.D.D
m a L ee 087 (3:08:08 PM): why are you going to kill yourself? that's not going to solve anything... you're not going to get a girl if you're dead.
BlueEyez29745 (3:08:09 PM): i am depressed
BlueEyez29745 (3:08:33 PM): eome girls want guys who treat them like shit
BlueEyez29745 (3:08:46 PM): some
BlueEyez29745 (3:08:56 PM): why can't io get a girl
m a L ee 087 (3:08:59 PM): that's true.. but not all of them do.
BlueEyez29745 (3:09:11 PM): well others want a guy with a big cock
BlueEyez29745 (3:09:21 PM): i wish i could meet a girl now
BlueEyez29745 (3:09:37 PM): she could guide me though my depression and love me for who i am and not what i look like
BlueEyez29745 (3:10:10 PM): I cry myself to sleep each and every day
m a L ee 087 (3:10:12 PM): stop feeling sorry for yourself and start trying to find someone.
BlueEyez29745 (3:10:25 PM): i have no car or licsense
BlueEyez29745 (3:10:39 PM): theer are way too many shallow girls out there
m a L ee 087 (3:10:58 PM): what made you decide to post a thread at the JC?
BlueEyez29745 (3:11:10 PM): it was from my heart
BlueEyez29745 (3:11:17 PM): i thought i could find a girl
BlueEyez29745 (3:11:24 PM): i like SW but most girls dont
BlueEyez29745 (3:11:31 PM): they like shoes or money instead
BlueEyez29745 (3:11:45 PM): i stay home by myself all week long
m a L ee 087 (3:12:12 PM): like i said before.. stop staying home and feeling sorry for yourself and try to find someone who would make you happy.
BlueEyez29745 (3:12:27 PM): how can i find somone
BlueEyez29745 (3:12:29 PM): i look ugly
m a L ee 087 (3:12:51 PM): ugly people can still be in relationships. not all people are shallow.
BlueEyez29745 (3:12:52 PM): and girls run away from me but they love my friends who are cocky and who think very highly of them selfs
BlueEyez29745 (3:13:16 PM): i am gonna give up then
m a L ee 087 (3:13:20 PM): and do what?
BlueEyez29745 (3:13:52 PM): go hermit
BlueEyez29745 (3:14:03 PM): till a girk asks me out
BlueEyez29745 (3:14:06 PM): girl***
m a L ee 087 (3:14:44 PM): a girl won't ask you out randomly.. you have to find one you're interested in and talk to her. it's not going to happen just like that.
BlueEyez29745 (3:14:56 PM): they do for my friends
BlueEyez29745 (3:15:24 PM): its not fair
BlueEyez29745 (3:15:28 PM): i wanna be normal
m a L ee 087 (3:15:30 PM): well, from what you're saying.. you're not exactly like your friends. you might have to do things differently. it's nothing bad.
BlueEyez29745 (3:15:41 PM): they are black
BlueEyez29745 (3:15:46 PM): i think i need to give up
BlueEyez29745 (3:16:03 PM): i wished you were serious about dating me like u were
m a L ee 087 (3:16:09 PM): why?
BlueEyez29745 (3:16:10 PM): but i guess girls are mean
BlueEyez29745 (3:16:13 PM): i am going gay then
m a L ee 087 (3:16:33 PM): why do you wish that i was serious? i'm 16.
BlueEyez29745 (3:16:45 PM): so
BlueEyez29745 (3:16:52 PM): 16s the legel age in my state
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:05 PM): and u look like the perfect girl for me
m a L ee 087 (3:17:12 PM): you don't know me.
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:22 PM): *sighs*
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:27 PM): so i could get to know u
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:27 PM): dud
m a L ee 087 (3:17:29 PM): you're saying that girls are shallow, but if you're judging me by my looks.. then aren't you also shallow?
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:30 PM): duh
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:35 PM): no
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:40 PM): i am saying u look good
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:47 PM): thats alkl
BlueEyez29745 (3:17:48 PM): all
m a L ee 087 (3:17:52 PM): why did you "pick me", then?
m a L ee 087 (3:17:59 PM): what did i say that made you "pick me"?
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:00 PM): well cause u said pick u
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:05 PM): but u lied to me
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:14 PM): i hate it when everyone lies to me
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:19 PM): God i need a wife
m a L ee 087 (3:18:22 PM): you have to realize that people like to joke around and be sarcastic.
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:24 PM): i once enegaged
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:28 PM): so
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:30 PM): thats mean
BlueEyez29745 (3:18:34 PM): i am senstive
BlueEyez29745 (3:19:06 PM): u know how depressed i am
BlueEyez29745 (3:19:17 PM): i lost my ex fiance to her sisters husband
BlueEyez29745 (3:19:48 PM): al because he was in the army
BlueEyez29745 (3:19:52 PM): and i as not
BlueEyez29745 (3:19:54 PM): was
BlueEyez29745 (3:19:59 PM): i need someone
BlueEyez29745 (3:20:11 PM): bye
m a L ee 087 (3:20:13 PM): post in the matchmaker thread.
BlueEyez29745 (3:20:19 PM): i am gonna never IM you again
BlueEyez29745 (3:20:22 PM): done that
BlueEyez29745 (3:20:28 PM): i bet u wont find a girl
m a L ee 087 (3:20:35 PM): i'm not looking for a girl.
BlueEyez29745 (3:20:45 PM): i mean me
BlueEyez29745 (3:20:58 PM): i bet u i wont find a girl
BlueEyez29745 (3:21:02 PM): no girls would like me
BlueEyez29745 (3:21:14 PM): i cry myself to sleep each and every night
m a L ee 087 (3:21:29 PM): all i have to say is that you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and try to find a girl instead of staying home. nothing will happen unless you make it happen. there are plenty of "ugly" people who are in relationships.
BlueEyez29745 (3:21:57 PM): i been to clubs and i as kicked out
BlueEyez29745 (3:21:58 PM): was
m a L ee 087 (3:22:31 PM): why?
BlueEyez29745 (3:22:47 PM): cause the bouncer was stupid
BlueEyez29745 (3:22:56 PM): he thought i was friends with a guy who caused drama
BlueEyez29745 (3:23:02 PM): i just bumped into him and said shorry
m a L ee 087 (3:23:31 PM): that's one club. go to another.
BlueEyez29745 (3:23:57 PM): i dont think so
BlueEyez29745 (3:23:59 PM): i am fat
BlueEyez29745 (3:24:04 PM): girls dont like that
BlueEyez29745 (3:24:09 PM): they want a powerfull man
BlueEyez29745 (3:24:11 PM): i have no money
BlueEyez29745 (3:24:15 PM): no job
BlueEyez29745 (3:24:29 PM): all i do is stay home and i have no friends that are not home
BlueEyez29745 (3:24:34 PM): they are out with there girls
BlueEyez29745 (3:24:41 PM): or the army
m a L ee 087 (3:24:43 PM): if you don't have a job, how do you afford to live?
BlueEyez29745 (3:25:02 PM): mom
m a L ee 087 (3:25:27 PM): i see.
BlueEyez29745 (3:25:44 PM): i dont care
BlueEyez29745 (3:25:50 PM): i am leaving the JC for good then
BlueEyez29745 (3:25:57 PM): i am go and kill myself
m a L ee 087 (3:26:06 PM): that won't solve anything.
BlueEyez29745 (3:26:38 PM): yes it will
m a L ee 087 (3:26:45 PM): you're not going to find a girl if you're dead.
BlueEyez29745 (3:26:48 PM): u dont know me or the shit i am going though
m a L ee 087 (3:27:40 PM): you make it sound like you're the only person with problems. i have a lot of issues with myself and yet i still know that killing myself won't solve anything. that's taking the supposed "easy way out".
BlueEyez29745 (3:28:01 PM): i have too many
BlueEyez29745 (3:28:03 PM): i wanna be Josh harrnet
BlueEyez29745 (3:28:09 PM): so i can get loved
m a L ee 087 (3:28:33 PM): josh hartnett isn't the only person who is loved.
BlueEyez29745 (3:29:05 PM): i wont be loved
BlueEyez29745 (3:29:45 PM): i bet u no girl on the JC will ever wanna be with a guy like me i mean i am a sloba nd no dont tell me i am mking u feel sorry for em cause i am not i am telling the truth and if you dont think so then too bad
m a L ee 087 (3:30:44 PM): why do you want a girl on the JC? not every girl who likes star wars is signed up there. girls at the JC will also, most likely, live far away from you.
BlueEyez29745 (3:31:16 PM): yeha but i would find a way to go and see them
BlueEyez29745 (3:31:22 PM): also girls where i live are shallow
m a L ee 087 (3:32:05 PM): making a thread won't solve your problems. go somewhere where you can meet girls and just talk to them. it can't hurt.
BlueEyez29745 (3:32:14 PM): i have
BlueEyez29745 (3:32:20 PM): my looks scare them off
m a L ee 087 (3:32:48 PM): like i said before.. not all girls are shallow. you have to look for the good ones.. and not give up after a few lame attempts.
BlueEyez29745 (3:41:43 PM): i am lame
m a L ee 087 (3:42:14 PM): what do you say when you talk to a girl that you want to meet?
BlueEyez29745 (3:43:53 PM): I say "Hey how are you?
m a L ee 087 (3:44:09 PM): and what are their responses?
BlueEyez29745 (3:44:38 PM): fine and i always am slick by saying " I bet you boyfriends a great guy"\
BlueEyez29745 (3:46:11 PM): i just also aks them what kind of stuff do ythey like to do and what do they look 4 in a guy
m a L ee 087 (3:46:37 PM): and then they "run away"?
BlueEyez29745 (3:47:14 PM): not then
BlueEyez29745 (3:47:26 PM): andn then after that they say they gotta go
BlueEyez29745 (3:47:32 PM): they give my friends thier numbers
m a L ee 087 (3:47:46 PM): did you ask them for their numbers?
BlueEyez29745 (3:48:03 PM): no
m a L ee 087 (3:48:11 PM): then maybe you should.
BlueEyez29745 (3:48:25 PM): they would not give it to me
m a L ee 087 (3:49:27 PM): well, if you didn't ask them for it, how do you know that they wouldn't give it to you?
BlueEyez29745 (3:49:38 PM): well
BlueEyez29745 (3:49:51 PM): cause i heard them saying that guy over there is a retard
m a L ee 087 (3:50:17 PM): those are only a few girls. not all of them will tell you that you're a retard. you might be looking for them in the wrong places.
BlueEyez29745 (3:50:40 PM): where are the better places then?
m a L ee 087 (3:51:05 PM): i don't know where you live.
BlueEyez29745 (3:51:13 PM): south carliona
BlueEyez29745 (3:52:25 PM): i aks my friends to hook me up and they say i can;t
m a L ee 087 (3:52:31 PM): why?
BlueEyez29745 (3:53:10 PM): cause they wont they said hook ur self up

CONCLUSION:  what a dumbass.