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He was a monster, thought William. An abuser. Unfit to be around children, and without a doubt he should be removed from his position as swiftly as had Mr. Finn the night before.


But still he turned the panties over and over in his hand, memorizing every little swirl of lace.


They’d been soaked through when he’d taken them from her. He’d been touching them for so long that there was only a tiny damp spot in the center now, a pearly reminder that his perversity was not as unwelcome as it should be.


But even if she had found something to enjoy in their encounter, that did not make it right.


He must never be alone with her again; that was the only way. He’d maintain a professional distance, and if she required disciplining in the future, he would have the dean of students take care of it. She would undoubtedly find more civilized ways to provide correction.


But first he should really have a word with Miss Summers, to make his apologies and inquire as to her health.


Perhaps she needed him to kiss it better.


‘That’s it,” William exploded, leaping out of his chair and stalking from the office. He needed relief and needed it now.


He couldn’t wait another moment.




Buffy rushed past the students streaming into the dining hall, went straight up the stairs and ran into her room. Thank god it was empty, because she didn’t think she could look anyone in the eye right now.


That bastard—that creep—that disgusting, perverted—


Was there any chance he didn’t notice how wet her panties were?


God knows what he was doing with them right now. Sniffing them? Tasting them? Wrapping them around his cock and stroking himself off? That big long shaft in his hands, the one she’d felt stabbing her while he spanked her? He’d rubbed himself against her and she thought he was going to keep her there until he came all over her uniform. It was sick…disgusting….


Why did he stop?! thought Buffy unreasonably.


Stop that! You did NOT enjoy it, she told herself.




He liked it, so why had he sent her away? Didn’t he want her? Or was he just using her?


Oh god, what if he was like that with all the girls at the school?


Okay, that was it. She had to have a talk with some of the other girls, and she had to do it now. They were at dinner, and if she hurried she could still get some food and grill them while she was at it. Ask them if he’d ever touched them like he had her. Pushed their skirt up. Laid his hand on them, spanking them until it almost felt like stroking.


Taken their panties afterward because he didn’t want to forget what had happened.




Maybe she’d talk to them. Maybe.


But first the showers were deserted, for once, and she thought she’d like a nice, long, private shower, one where she wouldn’t be seen by the others. She’d just taken a shower half an hour before, but she felt…dirty.


In a good way.




“Move your leg,” growled William to Jenny Calendar, his sometime-girlfriend, as he dragged the bottom of her shirt up to expose her breasts. He’d appeared without warning, and neither of them had taken the time to undress before he pulled her into the bedroom, merely pushing the their clothes aside. She’d been startled by his urgency—usually he was a man who liked to take his time. In fact, she was thrilled by the way he drew everything out.


But then again, she seemed to be enjoying the desperation that he’d displayed ever since he pounded on her door a few minutes before.


She shifted her leg, and he slipped between her thighs to prod demandingly at her entrance.


As soon as he’d left his office, he’d gotten into his car and burned rubber all the way into town. He hoped to god nobody he knew saw him driving like a maniac, but he had to do something, anything, to get Buffy out of his system.


And at the moment, Jenny was the only option he was able to come up with.


She didn’t seem to mind, her arms tangling around his head as he nuzzled her breasts, stroking her hands through his thick golden brown hair and rumpling it into disarray. “Will—” she moaned, clutching at him.


Jenny was lovely. Dark hair and eyes, quiet and watchful. He’d always liked spending time with her, enjoying their time in bed and out of it as well.


But all he could think now was that her hair was the wrong color, and the mouth pressing kisses into his hair was ladylike, not impudent and lush.


“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” William muttered, pulling away from Jenny, vaguely aware of her protests as he started to drag his pants back up.


“Will? What are you doing?” she demanded, sitting up on the bed in frustration.


“I’m sorry,” he mumbled. “I made a mistake.”


And he could already tell that he was about to make a bigger one.


He didn’t know who he was when he’d dragged her across him and spanked her. He’d never done anything like that in the past, never even thought about it.


Of course, he hadn’t really thought of it this time, either; she’d snapped his self-control, something he seldom lost. She, he thought, was as shocked as he was.


But when she was standing there, after he’d pushed her off his lap, there was a look in her eyes…hurt and surprised, but also…excited?


She liked it, a little voice whispered to him. William pushed the thought away. But it wouldn’t leave his mind. It was all he could think of.


And maybe there are other things she’d like, too.


Chapter Seven