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Saorse's Strap Match - PPW

*An empty arena can be seen from the view, with a downards shot that encompasses all of the empty seats, row by row. The partial construction of a wrestling ring center stage, a few odd men being seen running from there to backstage and back again in order to create the squared circle that will soon determine Saorse's first PPW show�s glory and fate. If silence is golden, the arena is a mine full of it. A scoreboard hanging from above, a muggy fog fills the dimly lighted arena as the camera stays still. The camera turns, and all of a sudden it shows one of the newest faces of PPW standing and looking down at the partially constructed ring as well. *

Listen� don�t speak. We�re in the rebuilding process, so we might as well set forth the first set of rules for when you�re around the advocator of the PPW: I speak, you listen. Just pretend there�s a talking stick� and pretend you never get to touch it. **begins slowly walking down the stairs of the upper bowl** It seems that all I�ve had to do is distinguish my mere presence of being onto the PPW scene before I was recognized as someone with the potential to be one of the greats. Don�t fight the facts: our match, Adz, Shadow, could catapult someone closer forth to PPW fame, glory, and passion. I do believe that this certainly qualifies as one hell of a way to kick off a career, if I do say so myself. Now, the fact of the matter STILL remains that you two are the lone obstacles, the two annoying little pin pricking mosquitos that aren't quite letting me start my kick yet. Both my feet are planted on the ground for now, but after Mutilation, there�s no keeping this Advocator down on level playing ground with you. You two are little league players in a major league dugout now. The glove to my catch, even: one of those necessary tools that are used to get the job done over and over, but become so worn after awhile that you just� toss them away. Past experiences and accomplishments are gone because now, we�re breaking new ground. Don�t feel so left out of the PPW, I promise I�ll find a place for you in the history books come our February battle. You�ll certainly be very useful during the entire ground-breaking process when the slam of your branded carcass is all they need to show that the PPW is as real as real gets. This is reality, you two, not some dream fantasy with a cardboard Championship belt within the confines of your own living room. Your kid brother has been replaced with I, and your couches and chairs with rock hard turnbuckles and canvas. I�ll make sure you�re very well accustomed to your new surroundings before your time is up.

*Saorse steps out of the partial darkness and walks down the steps of an aisle very slowly, letting his hands run along the empty seats to both sides of him. As he paces down, he continues speaking*

And to think that I had figured I had enough. To think that I haven�t even celebrated my twenty-third birthday yet, and I had thought that wrestling had given all that it could to me, and vice versa in return. Well, I�m glad that seeing names like yours beside mine on a card snapped me out of that frame of mind. While you might not have absolutely anything to offer to me, I do not look to receive: I�m in a giving spirit nowadays, and I have plenty to still bestow upon you, and PPW. First off, I definitely have to show you not so much my world, but just exactly why you boys just could never comprehend my sort of world. Loss isn�t a word I choose to associate myself with at will, but for being bold enough to try and defeat me, you seem to be accepting the word as if it were your own flesh and blood, and we don�t do that in my world. No, no, no, sir, we do not. Practice your best disappearance act and try squirming out of a ring between the ropes. Then, try it with an alligator snapping at your heels. Let�s take a trip back to kindergarten, and �pretend� I�m the alligator. My teeth are sharp for a reason, and catching vermin like you two certainly qualifies as a valid reason to snap in my mind�s eye. I�ve also yet to give you reverence. You�re not wise yet, Adz, Shadow, not by any stretch of the inexplicable imagination. If age doesn�t make you wiser, I�ll certainly accelerate the process. You�d never throw yourself into a tangle with an electric fence on purpose on your own time, so why start now? I�ll shock the sweet bejeezus out of you once you realize the great deal you�ll end up underestimating me, and like any electric fence, there is absolutely no way to get yourself out of it. Live out the ride down, and hope you live through it. A challenge with me is no different. For PPW� I�ve yet to show them freedom. Not a wrestler, not a bad guy, not even a bold, my way or the highway attitude� I�m talking about freedom. Because of committed supporters like you two, you allow the rest of us to walk right up on PPW and free it from such intolerable �superstars.� We thank you for your patronage.

*Saorse takes a deep breath after just passing the midway point of the aisle of seats and takes a step on one of the elongated steps between rows. He puts his arms resting on his knees, and after a brief look around the stadium, pulls out from his back pocket� a blue lighter.*

A lighter. Wow, technology for you these days, eh? The amazement that fascinates me with a lighter is the sort of life the inanimate object leads. Turned off and on at will with the ease of a switch, limited with so much fuel that can be used away at one�s own pace, brief flashes of glory and longer absences of darkness, and controlled by a person until it�s of no use anymore. Adz, Shadow, your cover is cracked, and your fuel on its last trace. I sure am the King of Metaphors, aren�t I? You�ve been everything from a broken lighter to an alligator victim tonight. You�re also marked men, and that�s damn well not metaphorically speaking. I have a certain affect on my opponents, one that gets them thinking in a damn new manner. Minds are fickle and moldable things, so you two'll be no different than the rest. You�ll start to realize that, you know what, maybe you�re not all that you cracked yourselves up to be in the past. I can become a pretty good gauge to where your talents currently lie, or if there are any to be scattered at all. I�ll find them all, I�ll exploit them all, turn your solid structures into Swiss cheese. No foundation is safe in the ring with me: I can bring years of work down within thirty minutes: you�ve got to be some kind of explosive to contain that strong of power within your confines. To hell with imploding buildings: I prefer watching human sacrifice crumble to the ground any day. The sacrifices you�ve put in, Adz and Shadow, and your expectations for PPW, have gotten you an appointment with the Advocator. Some reward this will turn out to be for you: you�ll have wished your hours of hard work were better left on an ocean side, a suite, somewhere safer than trying to stand on the pedestal next to me. That�s one of those misfortunes that come with life: putting your life into something does not necessarily guarantee envisioned results. Not for you two, not on this night! I�d love to be the one to break it to you that all those blood, sweat, and tears that you always hear wrestlers talking about� aren�t going to get you anywhere but on the downside of a 3 count. Still feel up for a fight? Then bring your track cleats, because you�ll need all the help you can devise if you plan on keeping on yourself stable for this clash.

*Saorse quickly jumps to his feet from sitting and twirls around on the balls of his feet to look back up the aisle. He notices a ring hand leaning his elbows on a press box railing, taking a leisurely dinner break. *

That man there�. that man has no idea what�s in store for the very work his hands are having done in this arena. He has absolutely no idea that he, that lucky man, is in the process of constructing the basis of history. This ring is going to become a living, breathing, piece of non-forgiving history, you two. Can you realize that? Those hands are putting as much work into this construction as mine shall put forth into your punishment, but just with one minor difference. He is using his hands just for a day�s pay to keep his tenants happy. Me� I�m using mine for dominance, for greatness, to take you and put a bolded red circle around the date on your calendar that forever marks the one night when you had no idea what happened. It�s all going to happen so fast. All this history, all these unbelievable potential opportunities for you to take off in PPW before anyone else realizes the greatness to be had� and you�re going to miss the lift as it takes off up the mountain. All because I�ll be the one waiting for you to mount so I can push you off at the base of the mountain, and shove your career back on the ground before it even leaves it. It all goes back to what I said about a level playing ground, you two: there just isn�t one with me. So much is going to happen on this February night, and it�s fortunate to me that I enjoy keeping busy, because I�ll be involved in all of it. Gold is not something to be maltreated, so I�ll do us all a favour and keep you from ever, EVER touching anything worth an ounce of prestige in this organization. You�ll see that for yourself. The time has come for you two to make a move. You can�t sit back and relax anymore, because no one, NO ONE, is going to tell you how to live your life anymore, there�s no tour guide for this show and no guidance to lead the way! You walked yourself into this life, and now you�re going to see what it�s really like because you�re the first victims to ever come across ME, and you just can�t make your move� can you. Frozen in the limelight, lost without a hope in hell� don�t look up at me in pity. I share none of your remorse; I carry only my own vengeance. I�ll give you two three guesses as to who that vengeance is directed towards, and the first four guesses don�t count�

*The man looks around and then walks back down to work, but as he walks down the same aisle as Saorse is in, he stops him for a brief moment *

Saorse: I just want to, aside from everyone else, thank you for the work you�re doing for us here at PPW, sir. I hold you in the utmost respect because that work down there, that work you�re doing, will give me the ability to make a name for myself and someone else in two totally opposite ways. I�ll owe my career to you, sir.

Stagehand: Umm�. Sure, whatever dude.

*The stagehand continues his walk down the aisle, shrugging off his encounter with this lone man in the darkened and unconstructed stadium, whistling away as Saorse himself follows behind him slower, making his way down to the partially constructed ringside*

Confidence can be a dangerously misplaced tool in the wrong man. Keep this in mind to prevent yourself from gaining hubris, Adz, Shadow. My confidence is, for lack of a better term, strategically placed. I�ve watched you wrestle before in PPW, both of you. Saw your talent in the ring or lack thereof, and I�ve got the scouting report on you's. You two've got nothing on me, knowledge wise or� keeping-up-with-me wise. That�s a creative little term, isn�t it. You�re jumping into this fight blind, deaf, and mute regarding your opponent. That�s not a smart move. Then again, we do all have to start somewhere. It�s almost too bad, though, that you�re starting off at a red light; not aloud to move forward, and risking your life if you dare to break the rules. Try breaking the rules against me, Adz, Shadow, and see how far you make it through the intersection. You�ll be a heap of scraps before you realize what gear your career is in. Life is just like a box of chocolates: it tells you what you�re going to get right on the damn sheet inside. I�ll tell you right now that your sweet little chocolates are laden with crimson syrup, and Adz, Shadow, we�re not talking cherries here. You�ll bleed on this night for all the wrong reasons: bleed to lose, bleed to be beaten, bleed to join the ranks of the best of the second best. There�s more to wrestling than punches and fists, and if I can�t show it all to you, I�m sure the jobber division will continue to be more than willing to show you that you don�t even belong there. The real wrestlers are those men striving for perfection, working harder than your most vivid daydreams could ever ponder to hopefully cling on to the jobber card hopes in hopes of catapulting their careers to challenge the best� challenge me, over you. Go join them, you two. They�ll expose your unworthiness after I defeat you, and after they defeat you� then you�ll realize how right I am based on where you stand. There�s no love between enemies. We're fighting low to get high, and the sky is my home, gazing for freedom: you two share none of the right to soar with me. I�d take a look at a mirror, both of you, look yourselves in the eye, and remember the efforts it took to get to where you are now. I�ll look you in the eye, and get so aggravated by your mere presence that I�ll go past my ticking point, and it�s all looking like it�s coming out on you two. As they say, misery enjoys company. I�m your company� for now. After Mutilation, your hind side is starting all� over� again.

*Saorse finally reaches the cement floor and the parts of ringside sprawled everywhere, including 2 sides of the ring fully constructed in the dimly lit dark arena. Saorse jumps up on one of the partially constructed sides, holding himself up with two hands on the top rope*

Ahh yes� a wrestling ring. Finally, we see one again, we use one again, we create legends in a squared circle once again. I guess that means there is no place for Adz and Shadow, doesn�t it? We are creating legends, we are not reviving them or reliving them, just like I said before. Therefore, you two and I� we�re all rookies. I�ve never fought in PPW and you've never fought me, so there is no advantage to be had. The past is the past, the future is nearly presscripted, because the present is about to become a living massacre for you two. Tied to the feet by a strap? Oh, how it makes no difference. The ultimate lack of freedom; how ironic. I guess it's best to show you what little freedom you already have before I rid you of it completely. Normally, I'm in the fight for freedom. This night, you two aren't even worth saving. Is PPW just something you plan on swinging through rather than working through? It�s all new, you two. Three rookies facing off for a shot at the higher life that PPW has to offer. Nothing more, nothing less. Fact remains though, like I said, that I have still saw you two wrestle before� so this rookie has a better idea of you than you could possibly have of me. I guess there is a small advantage to be had after all. It�s all going to come down to which one can back up their verbal fronts the best. What could make me think that a shadow or an ad could back it up better than I? Absolutely nothing, because I�m already convinced that I�ve got you two figured out, and we haven�t even met strap to strap yet. I just know that I�m not about to let it be your faces that represents Pure Pain Wrestling in a link with the rest of the wrestling world. I won�t have it. And on Mutilation, I�m actually the one that will make sure I won�t have it because I�m reserved, baby; my date book has a date with you two down that very given night. I hope it doesn't end as a mere clogging of my time. You�re trying to get back into PPW spotlight, break back in through the atmosphere without breaking up. Well, you�ve hit a hot spot, Adz, Shadow, and all signs point to your burn-out upon re-entry. Come hell, heaven, or high water, I�ll leave you two with nothing but your shattered frame of body and soul. You don�t stand a snowball�s chance in hell of blowing me over; I�m an immovable force with undeniable determination. The best 1-2 punch in wrestling, and you get to witness it all on a very, very first hand account. If there�s a ring of hope still with you two when you enter the ropes� I�ll see to it that it�s scrubbed off before your long overdue exit.

*Saorse catapults himself over the top rope with his arms, swinging his legs over top and landing with one foot on each side of the partially constructed ring, straddling both sides*

Just as did Julius Caesar during his insurmountable leadership, I doth bestride the narrow earth like a Colossus. I stand above you and you find yourself forever looking up, up, up, trying to chip away and collapse my stature but failing with every new strategy you devise against me. I take both worlds, the living world and the wrestling world, and I�ve got one foot in each. I know my role as a Freedom Fighter, I�m going to stand out from the rest and do things my way, how I see them! No one could defeat Caesar until a conspiracy was formed, but I, for one, have learned from those mistakes. There�ll be no fooling this cat, not from any one of you two. Although this cat will use its instincts and hunt that 1-2-3 count down from whatever strap it has found to hide from me in. There�s no taking down the Sovereign, and there�s no kryptonite strong enough to cripple me. Try everything you think you can and everything you know you can�t, it shan�t matter. I�ve got to make my mark right away, just incase there ARE some people out there of the skeptic brand, and I�ve got to show them that this is a new era, one that hasn�t witnessed me� until now. All this talk about guys set for title shots, guys begging to break out, deception and great superstars�

*Saorse faces away from the camera for a few moments, and then sharply turns around in mid-sentence�*

This is the beginning of the end of all that hogwash! Freedom is the name of my game, and I�ll instill it in PPW if it�s the last thing I do! You�re the first step you two, the first step! The first step for bringing some freedom to this business. Keep an eye, Adz, Shadow. Freedom can be a very painful thing.

*Saorse motions off the camera as he stays inside the partially constructed ring, leaning forward on the ropes, looking up the aisles of seats, seemingly thinking� about something� *">