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The 35mm Experiment new photos! The YashicaMat Experiment new photos!
Sunset on Charleston Harbor 2005 The Great Holga Experiment Cypress Gardens, SC 2005
Lisa & Larry's Wedding Charleston Spring 2005 Spring 2005
The Beasties 2005 January 2005 December 2005
Thanksgiving November 2004 Saige Visits Charleston, May 2004 Mike & Cinde April 2004
Saige Visits Jen & Duncan in St. Ignace, MI 2004 February Tea Party, Drake Hotel 2004 Brooke's 4th Birthday
December 2003 IL Christmas in IL 2003 Thanksgiving in IL 2003
Halloween 2003 in IL Misc 2003 Mike's Pictures from Aruba 2003
Lisa Visits IL 2003 It's A Boy! Luke 2003 Len & Judy Visit Aruba 2003
Easter in IL 2003 Orbell Sisters' Reunion 2003 Saige's Place

I have had to archive some of the older photos, just let me know if you need a copy of something.

If you have a few pictures that you would like to me to add, please email to

However, if you have many pictures, or very large pictures, please put them on a disk and send them to me.

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