About Yours Truely...


Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Residence: Home in Florida

Lives with: Mom and Dad, two cats

Pets: Two cats, a fat black one (Hugs) and a getting to be fat one (Socks/Kitty)

Siblings: A half brother named Eric Michael Cannington who lives with his mother in Alabama (Father's son, Mother's step son)

Grade: 6th

School: Dunbar Middle

Fav. Subject: Lunch (To talk with my friends and laugh is the best!)

Least Fav. Subject: Math, Science, Social Studies (Only cause she hates me!) and Language Arts...Reading is 50/50

Friends: Susanne G, Nicole A, Lauren E, Heather B...could go on!

True Love?: Antony Matthews, probably not love but more on the like side!!!


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