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Another Fine Mess

Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm assuming you're quite lost, as you have stumbled upon my little corner of the web. Anyway, since you're here, you might as well partake of my hospitality. So pull up a chair, sit back, and relax. *Glares at visitor trying to sneak off* I SAID SIT DOWN!! Now that you're comfortable, I will now introduce you to an array of my friends and other fun people like that. They are generally very friendly, except for a few random Feanorians who keep wandering over onto my page, looking for a Silmaril. Don't pay them any mind, they're mostly harmless. Anyway, I hope you enjoy perusing my site. If you are truely bored, you can journey over to my blog and see what fine mess I've gotten myself into this time.

Oh! The Places You'll Go!

My Xanga Site...the insanity continues