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Vote For Me:

Vote for me on the Top 150 Comic sites!

4.24.03- Yeah!!!!! We've reached our 1000th hit! Id like to thank everybody who reads regularly and encourage those of you that don't to do. Does that even make sense? Alright, does anyone know where I can get some better Mario sprites? If so, e-mail me please!

4.23.03- Yeah, not really much going on. I got absolutly zero feedback on Swords, Spells, and Pointy Things so I'm thinking of just discontinuing it. I'll prolly put another one or two up to see if I get anything.

4.21.03- Everybody have a good Easter? The reason I didn't do a Easter special is simple. I'm not Christian and the story seriously needs to move. Sorry guys. Anyway. The new cast page is up and I acutaly put some effort into it! Yay for boring weekends! I should have the links section updated soon too.

4.18.03- So, the Archives should be fixed now. Let me know if there are any broken links around the site, especialy in the new Specials section. Aye aye aye. If it's not one problem it's another. I'll work on updating the cast page (finally!) over the weekend. Happy Easter!

4.17.03- Yeah! Archives are on the way to being fixed. I'll finish it tomorrow. There's a new page for all the specials. It's not entirly up to date yet but I'll work that out tomorrow as well.

4.16.03- I promise I'll get the archives fixed soon! Really.... WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME!?!?!?!?

4.14.03- Happy Fifty....First comic! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Twitch!

4.13.03- Here's the make up comic from thrusday. The archives have overflowed but I hope to have that problem fixed by tomorrow.

4.11.03- Sorry I missed yesterday's update but girlfriends can be distracting that way. Lol. I'll post sunday to make up for it. Tomorrow's my birthday! YAY! And as a b-day present to me, I think you should vote for Random Universe on TWC everyday! I'd like to break back into the top 150.

4.09.03- Ah, you can always count on a genius to screw somthing simple up.

Other Stuff:

