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Black Diary

Author's Note: This is my first attempt at some kind of fanfiction. For those of you who have played Fatal Frame 2, this concept may be extremely familiar. This is the recording of an American tourist named Alice (one of my many, many characters), when she became lost in a hiking expedition, and stumbled across All God's Village. All of this is pure fanfiction, there is no "Black Diary" in the game.

Fatal Frame 2 is Copyrighted Tecmo/Project Zero.

Fanfiction Copyright


Tuesday, May 25th, 1976

The 7 day search for Alice Smith, age 25, was called off today at 5:30 AM. Smith, a tourist from North America, was last seen within the vicinity of the construction site of All God's Dam. Around the time of her disappearance, she was traveling down a mountain path with a group of tourists. Officials say that she had most likely slipped and fell on the loose gravel, and was killed upon impact on the jagged rocks surrounding the path.


Black Diary 1
A withered, black diary. You can see the faded lines of a heron sketched into the cover...

I can't believe this is happening to me. One minute, I was on the mountain path, that strangely gorgeous mountain path. There was mist, curling at the edges of the path...and I tripped over a tree root, and it felt like something was sucking me in as I fell...

It should be midday. It was so bright earlier. But it's dark here, the moon is full, and shining. I think it's midnight. That would probably explain why it's so damn quiet. There's a gate behind me, it's shaped like those...damn it, what are they called. Torii gates. But it was so old and bent, there were charms hanging off it. I tried running through it. Several times. Each time, the area would spin around, and I'd find myself laying on the ground, staring at the starless sky. My leg is bleeding. I must've cut it when I fell...


Black Diary 2
A withered, black diary. There are dried bloodstains on the corners of the pages.

Fuck me. I forgot my First Aid kit at the busstop. Half of my shirt sleeve is substituting as a bandage now for the damn gash in my left shin. It hurts. I'm still near the gate. Apparently, I'm on a hill looking over a tiny village. A tiny, old village. It's so dark, I can hardly make out any shapes of the buildings, nevermind the roads. The tour guide was telling us stories on the bus. One of them was about a village full of the spirits of the damned, eternally cloaked in darkness, or something melodramatic like that. It was supposed to have been holding some kind of forbidden festival, when it suddenly was wiped off the face of the earth. Vengence of the gods, maybe?

I was laughing so hard when I heard it.

I think it was called...All God's Village.


Black Diary 3
A withered, black diary. It was in the rubble near the dried well...

Somebody, please, if I am sleeping, wake me up. Men just ran by, average men, but...they weren't. I could see right through them. Their clothes were torn, they had sunken, black pits for eyes. One of them carried a torch, but the flame, it was white and blue.

What the hell is this place?

I remember more now. The tour guide, she said that the spirits were at a state of eternal unrest. The night of the festival is supposed to replay over, and over again. It was like a thought bubble was floating over everyone's head, thinking the same thing. What a crock of shit. This is probably just some kind of sick joke they play on us at the camp...


I heard voices. Sad voices. They were singing and chanting, it was like a hymn. It sounded like it was coming from...underground. My leg doesn't hurt that much anymore...

It's probably been hours since I came here. I'm so tired. I need to sleep...


Black Diary 4
A withered, black diary. The writing is crooked and the ink is smeared.

I'm starting to get scared. Something touched my cheek. I think it was a person, but it was so damn cold, and it stung. It was like somebody took a frozen needle, and ran it across my skin. But when I opened my eyes, there was nobody there. I'm curled up on the floor, inside one of the houses. The walls have giant holes in them, everything is broken. Everything. It's so cold in here. I breathe, and tiny white clouds form. The rug I'm laying on is worn, there are holes where moths might have eaten it. I think at some point, it was really pretty. The color is a dull crimson, with little butterfly designs.

My leg is throbbing again. I want to fall asleep, but I feel like I'm being watched.

Is it me, or did it just get colder?


Black Diary 5
A withered, black diary. Found in the base of the tree near Whisper Bridge. The paper is littered with tear stains...

Please, somebody, come for me soon! I'm scared shitless. I saw her, a girl. She had to be in her teens, but I couldn't tell. I wasn't looking at her face. There was blood all over the front of her japanese robe, what is it called, a kimono? Her and her bloody kimono. She was grinning from ear to ear, and she was laughing. Laughing like a maniac. It's still in my head, I can't get it out. She was so white, she was almost one color, save her black eyes and hair...and the crimson...

My shoe is dark red, and it's squishing every time I take a step. I was running so fast, I must have reopened the cut. I'm starting to get dizzy, but somehow, I'm still awake. I'm so scared. I wish I never came to Japan...


Black Diary 6
A withered, black diary. There are sketches of butterflies all over the page...

How long has it been since I came here? 3 days? A week? I haven't seen that girl again. But I've seen others. A boy with white hair. He was in some kind of jailcell, but there was a barred window. When he saw me, he looked so suprised. I'll admit, he was beautiful. Not handsome, but beautiful. But he was so sad. He told me to run away, find a girl named Chitose, and run away. Maybe he was one of the spirits. But he was so nice. I passed out under the window, and when I woke up, he was still there. He said the same thing. Find Chitose.

Right. Who the fuck is Chitose? I saw crimson butterflies flying around a bunch of bushes near the window. They kept fading in and out. Even the bugs here are dead...

I stumbled into one house, and found a camera in a box. When I picked it up, and looked through it, I saw arms coming out of a hole in the ground. Long, snakelike arms. I snapped a photo, and they vanished. I wonder if the camera is some kind of ghost buster.

Yeah, ghost buster. I regret ever laughing at the tourguide. Seeing that boy made me feel a little better, at least there might be a few nice dead people...


Blue Diary 7
A withered, black diary. Found in a closet.

If that white haired boy was talking about a crazy little girl in a bright red kimono, then I found her. She tried to kill me, that bitch. I'm not going to sleep anymore, not until I find a way out of this godforsaken place. I tried to find rest in a closet, and that same feeling came. The cold touch on my face. I opened my eyes, and she was looking at me. She had the blackest eyes I've ever seen. And she was so white, I saw right through her. I was screaming so loudly, and then she suddenly burst into tears, burying her face into her tiny hands. There was a little bell on her wrist. The sound of it's jingling made my blood freeze over. I tried getting up, but my leg was throbbing so badly...

And then that little bitch seemed to come out of the wall, and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

I've never felt anything like it before. It was like...I don't know. It was like I took a dive into the Artic ocean. Everything was so cold, and my vision blurred so badly. Like getting stabbed with a frozen needle. Pure icey hell. I heard voices, sobbing sounds, floorboards creaking, faint laughing. I saw images that didn't belong to me. The little girl, stuck in the same closet I was trying to sleep in. Sobbing hysterically, writing in a little red diary. She kept crying someone's name. I think it was Itsuki. She wanted him to come save her. She whispered another name with such hatred.


I grabbed the camera from my bag, and shot an image of that girl, Chitose. She screamed and seemed to dissolve into thin air. And this unnerving quiet followed.

I don't want to stay here anymore.


Black Diary 8
A withered, black diary. The writing is faded in some places...

I can't...walk very far...anymore. The cut got infected...It

I wonder if....will ever find....I'm so lonely...I dont't wanna die here...

Some freak tried to attack me...a man covered in rop...theres ghosts everywhere...they're all so violent...One...fell off stairs, she's all broken...

There are...voices...Sad...she's

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Black Diary 9
A withered, black diary. A shredded piece of what looks like cloth decorated with butterflies is folded inside...

It's hard, being the only sane living person in a town filled with the vengeful legions of the undead.