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Kubup & Gwum's E3 Pictures
(they're pretty bad, aren't they? ;)

We went up to E3 this year and so we of course had to stop by the Mythic booth (even if we had to trek all over the show to find them). Here
are our pictures of the new Trials of Atlantis expansion. I got to ask a couple questions about the game that I'll post at the bottom. The pictures
really are not that great and the camera shutter speed wasn't fast enough so whenever the person demoing for us moved the screen blurred :\ I'm
also mad that we missed getting any pictures of the really cool sunken ship that she was demoing when we first walked up because I was too
slow getting out my camera. So you'll just have to trust me that it was really, really cool :) So, on to the pictures!



This is the Albion newbie ground in thu Atlantis expansion. Everything they were demoing was in Albion, so I assume that the other realms
weren't finished enough to demo.


And yes, she was moving in this picture so it's a bit blurry. This is a closer up image of the same hall. That blue glowing thing is a big
broken tablet being held up by statues that look really good up close but I was drooling too much at that point to take pictures.

This is the outside of a huge underwater dungeon in Albion.


This is her swimming through the underwater entrance to the dungeon. I believe you can only enter this by underwater cave.


The inside of the dungeon is supposed to be underwater but they haven't added that in yet, so just imagine swimming through this :)


A tunnel inside leading nearly straight up.


I think this was up that tunnel, but I can't remember. All I can say is ... drool ...


The above water portion of the same dungeon. Someone jostled me so this one's fuzzy, but you can sorta make out the vines and
creepers and moss on the stonework. Oh and that colored glass dome is actually transparent and you can see other parts of the
dungeon through it :) Doesn't really show up in the picture, but through one of those windows you can see another dome.


Still in the above water section. Still drooling.


And if it wasn't cool enough already, a SECRET DOOR! This was so well hidden that the woman demoing for us tried the wrong wall
first and had to find it for us :) This leads down to another cavey area that looked like the underwater area.


A really really big shark-looking thing. It just HAD to do a little idle animation while I took the picture :p This I assume is one of the
high-level if not epic critters in the water. When she was by the cool sunken ship there were a whole bunch of sharks and stuff.
Also there was a merman-lizard person swimming around (not by the ship) that she said would be a friendly NPC race.


Well that's all the pictures, now to some of the things I asked and some things that the demoer told us, all paraphrased since I
wasn't taking notes so it's all from memory.

Question: So what will this expansion add?
Answer: It will make all the water (including water in the old world and SI) swimmable. New areas that you used to
swim over you will now be able to swim down into and explore. It'll also add a new player race for each realm. Only
the Albion one has been announced so far and that's the Half Ogre.

Question: So are you limited from doing anything in the water? Can you cast spells and attack still?
Answer: You can still cast spells and attack underwater. (She didn't really know of anything you couldn't do)

Question: Will you have a "breath meter" or have a limited amount of time that you can be underwater? And if so will there
be spells to allow you to stay under longer?
Answer: We're still deciding how we're going to handle that.


Before I went and saw this demo I wasn't really all that excited about the new expansion, but now I think I'll be definitly getting it :)