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"Pixie" was inspired by the considerably large genre of time-traveling fics that are to be found within the BtVS fanfiction world. Need I say more than "Take Your Time?" The idea appealed to me immediately, and I'd seen similar fanfics in which Willow and Angel (or Willow and Spike, or Buffy and Angel, or Willow and Xander... you get the idea) were "destined" to be together--a very romantic idea, I think, but one that is not often executed that well.

"Pixie" was written during the fourth season of BtVS and the first of Angel; I had just seen my first few episodes (beginning with "Goodbye, Iowa" and "The Ring") and read my first few fanfics ("When Stars Collide"), and wanted to try my hand. I cannot begin to tell you how many revisions "Pixie" went through before I deemed it publishable; and then, of course, Fanfiction.Net's server was down, and I was too new to the fanfiction world to overcome my terror of emailing people I'd never met and to submit my story to an unautomated archive. However, Fanfiction.Net was up and functioning at last, and I got mostly good reviews, so I sent away to all of the sites I could find that accepted Willow/Angel fanfiction, and began writing more. That is the history of my career of writing fanfiction.

However, one more credit must be given, and that is to the author Robin McKinley. She has written a great many fantastic novels, but the one that inspired "Pixie" was "Deerskin." God, how I love that story! "Pixie" wasn't based on it at all; just inspired by it... But I re-read "Deerskin" recently and realized--"Morning," my pride and joy of everything I've written so far, is actually very much based on Robin McKinley's own tale. I'm veering off from the subject of "Pixie," and for that I do apologize, but credit where it's due, and all that. I thought that important to mention.

Now, if you'll follow me through these big silver doors into the morgue, we can get to the sad part.

"Pixie" has been declared officially and permanently unfinished.

Formerly part of what I entitled the "Forever" Trilogy, I've been getting rid of the following stories everywhere I can find them. "Interlude: What Came Before" and "Welcome to L.A." were their names, and they did continue the 'saga'; but I felt that Pixie had a tinge of angst, romance and (if you'll excuse my lack of modesty) beauty that I was pretty much incapable of incorporating into another story.

The Interlude and "Welcome to L.A." can still be found in some archives scattered over the web (Bite Me... Please? and Soulmates Til the End of Time have them, of course, along with quite a few others), but I don't plan on archiving them at my own site because (personally) I despise them. I was looking over my plan for "Welcome to L.A." and my thoughts were mostly 'How infantile!' and 'But this sounds like badfic...', which is not something I really like to be thinking about my own creations.

The truth is, I have no idea how to continue the romance of "Pixie." I'm very proud of it; after all, it won me an award, and though it is a little less advanced that what I consider my current writing style to be (more like that of "Morning," for instance), I'm very, very fond of it, and would like to do right by it. Therefore, I must make this formal announcement:

The continuation of "Pixie" is up for auction.

I'm not going to grant the continuation to the highest bidder; rather, I'd like to have several people trying it out at once. I'd love to see what they might do with it. Lisa (or Devyn, as I believe she's calling herself now), my Muse, is trying her hand at continuing "Pixie"--I hope she really does try it, because the snippet of ideas I've heard from her are amazing. I've had a request for the continuation of "Pixie" as not a BtVS, but a Harry Potter fic, which sounds like quite a good idea (it would be Harry/Ginny--red hair, you understand). Despite the details in "Pixie" that make it a more believable BtVS fic, I think that Harry Potter idea would work. We'll see how that deal works out.

The point of this is to extend the invitation to you (yes, you...) to continue the story of "Pixie." If you have your own ideas for how Willow and Angel meet up again--if you even want to rewrite the silly bits of "Welcome to L.A." that you've read so far, you're welcome to it. I love, love, love "Pixie," and though this may sound silly, I want my baby to grow up. =) The only thing I request is that you email me with your proposal; though I don't want to impose the pressure of my company on you by attempting to co-author the continuation, I would like to be able to help muse, and definitely to beta-read.

Please consider the offer, and go reread "Pixie" while you think about it. I think it's a story that deserves to be finished.


Thank you!

Kendra A.