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<span style="position : absolute;left:554;top:198;overflow:auto;width:390;height:487;<background:white;filter:alpha(opacity=50);border:none"><s><center>Special-K</s></center>My first initial is <i><b>K</i></b> and I got the nickname my freshman year of college by my friends.<br><s><center>About Me</s></center>I'm a senior in college at WVU. I'm double majoring in English (American Literature concentration) and Political Science (Pre-Law concentration) and minoring in Communication Studies and History. I'm pretty active on campus; I'm involved in YDA, FEM, IEP, Alpha Phi Omega, Debate, Red Cross Club, and Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor Society). When I graduate from college I plan to attend law school. Right now I’m debating where I want to go to law school, but I have several places in mind.<br><br>School dominates most of my life, but when I’m not in class, studying, or busy with all of my extras I love to go out, drink, and party. I make good grades; I’m honest, opinionated, and harsh most of the time. But I’m also trustworthy, loyal, and truthful. My birthday is August 20, 1983, so that makes me a Leo. I have really long naturally curly chestnut brown hair with natural red highlights and golden undertones, dark eyes (but I do wear contacts), and four peircings (belly button, ears, and my left ear cartilage. I’m 5'4" and 104 lbs.<br><s><center>Others</s></center>In my life there’s my best friend from back home, a few friends from back home who still go to school with me now, my fellow Greeks, and many others out there. There’s also the love of my life, Jayson with whom I have an indescribably complicated relationship. I have my own place and I've lived on my own since I was 17.<br><s><center>My Music</s></center>I prefer old movies, music, and television to most new stuff that is allowed to broadcast. My all time favorite bands are The Eagles, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, and Everclear<br><s><center>Old Names</s></center>My retired diary usernames: <b>MmMmGood2TheLastDrop</b>, <b>Heart Shaped Box</b>, <b>NotAClockworkOrange</b>, and <b>Tequila Sunrise</b>. I’ve been a part of the whole OD community since October 16, 2001<br><br></span>

<span style="position : absolute;left:200;top:685;overflow:auto;width:744;height:487;background:white;border:none"><p style="background:url(;width:744;height:487;"></span>

<span style="position : absolute;left:200;top:685;overflow:auto;width:390;height:487;<background:white;filter:alpha(opacity=50);border:none"><s><center>Currently</center></s>I'm taking summer classes (Economics) the first session and working at the University library in Cataloguing<br><s><center>Summer Countdown</s></center><strike>Thursday, May 20 - First Day of Summer Classes</strike><br><br>Tuesday, June 29 - Last Day of Summer Classes<br><br>Monday, July 12 - Leaving for Ireland<br><br>Thursday, August 12, - Returning from Ireland<br><br>Friday, August 20 - My 21st Birthday<br><br>Monday, August 23 - First Day of Fall Classes<br><br></span>

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