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Welcome to Pauletta's Cantina : Recipes for coping with life, health, relationships and more.........

My Favorite things about Life.

My Favorite Web Sites, if you have your own link or have favorite sites of your own, e-mail them to me and we will attach them here.

Immune Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome Resource
Goodwill Industries International
Willamette Valley Goodwill of Oregon
American Chronic Pain Association
NFA National Fibromyalgia Association
Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System
Neurosugery on call for Spine and Nervous System Injuries
Resource for Medical Conditions
National Injured Workers Resource site
Oregon Injured Workers Resource site
Native American Culture and links
Translate English to Tsaglagi (Cherokee)
Offical Cherokee Site
National Center For Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
Medline Plus Spinal Cord Injuries
Spiritual Growth and more....
Shrine & Shriners Hospitals
Portland Shriner Research Center

Welcome to Pauletta's Cantina: Recipes for coping with life, health, relationships, spiritual growth and more...

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Under Construction ......Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Be sure to e-mail me to let me know what you think. Please come back and visit again! My hopes are this page will assist you in your journey of finding your own course in life. Please be sure to sign up in the mailing list below for weekly updates and continue to scroll down for what we have prepared so far as samples of what is to come.

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My motto and out take on life is:

"It is my responsibilty to make my own changes. I cannot change you, nor for me to tell you what changes to make; for that would take away from the esscences of who we are as individuals. I would not be the person you fell in love with nor would you be the one I fell in love with, but a shell of who we are meant to be." ~ by Pauletta

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Some are born to be great, some acheive greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. ~ by William Shakespeare
"There is always the "unexpected" to be adjusted for when it comes to being "just human."For example: As prepared as we think we are in our plans there are always those "Ahas!" the "bumps in the road", called: "Life happens as we are busy making plans and reaching for our goals."

This site is under construction and will be ready soon so make sure you keep checking in periodically. Don't let the background fool you. Social perceptions and lack of self confidence in who you are, can be your greatess downfalls in acheiving full greatness and happiness in this journey we call life. For now read on to see if this gets you started on improving your own journey.

For those of you, who know me (or want to know me) and have always questioned me on how I keep my outlook on life and what makes me, the person I am. Or for those of you who would and want to be more like me....well here is some of my receipe for life.

The rest you can learn along with me and grow as I grow; for life is a never ending learning process. The key is being willing to confront and adjust to our adversities, as that is how we really determine who and what we really are.

I have for entertainment attached a poll, games to interact with and a guest map to let me know where you are from and what you think. If you do not want to do the guest map there is a guest registeration or just simply scroll to bottom of page and e-mail me direct.

The choice is yours, but your responses are important to me. So please feel free to criticise or just let me know you appreciate what you have read and would like to see more of.

The following are exerts from the STORIES Links above where you will be instructed to go to continue each article. As the site progresses you will only be reading Headlines from the various above links in this box..for now though read on and enjoy......

On Life "WHAT'S WRONG WITH SOCIETY TODAY"by: GEORGE CARLIN, post 9/11/2001 (His wife had recently died...)

Isn't it amazing that George Carlin - mouthy comedian of the 70's and 80's - could write something so very eloquent. and so very appropriate post 9-11.

A wonderful Message by George Carlin: "WHAT'S WRONG WITH SOCIETY TODAY"

The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness....... continued in STORIES Link above......

{{"The proper function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time." ~ Jack London}}

In rising to the top.............. "NIGHTMARE SIDE Of The AMERICAN DREAM"

by Hara Estroff Marano

(~(Hara Estroff Marano is Editor-At-Large of Psychology Today magazine and Editor-In-Chief of Psychology Today's Blues Buster, a newsletter about depression. An award-winning writer on human behavior, Hara’s articles have appeared in publications including the New York Times, Smithsonian, Family Circle and The Ladies Home Journal. She lives in New York City.)~)

The American way of success is so stunning that it may come as a surprise to learn that a great many of those who seem to have it all find life empty and dream of ending it all. Successful corporate executives, and perhaps especially entrepreneurs, may in fact be even more vulnerable to depression than the general population

According to one CEO, about a third of all of them are experiencing serious clinical depression. And, he should know. After speaking to a gathering of CEOs about his own hospitalization, he was besieged by fellow sufferers.

It’s not that times have suddenly turned tough for chief executives, who at this cultural moment enjoy as much trust as used car salesmen; that’s probably a transient phenomenon. More likely, a special combination of force impinges on them, both from within and without.

continued in the STORIES Link above........

" To combat life's subtile let downs another tool....... "

{{"Winners have simply formed the habit of doing things losers don't like to do." ~ Albert Gray}}

"EXPAND YOUR MIND! (It's Legal & Informative)"

by Hara Estroff Marano

To most people, Buddhism is an ancient Asian religion, although a very special one. It has no god, it has no central creed or dogma and its primary goal is the expansion of consciousness, or awareness.

But to the Dalai Lama, it’s a highly refined tradition, perfected over the course of 2,500 years, of analyzing and investigating the inner world of the mind in order to transform mental states and promote happiness. “Whether you are a believer or not in the faith,” the Dalai Lama told a conference of Buddhists and scientists that I had the privilege to attend on his recent visit to the U.S., you can use its time-honored techniques to voluntarily control your emotional state. In other words, you don’t have to be a Buddhist to take advantage of Buddhism.

Techniques of awareness permit us to cultivate enough self-control to step into the process......continued in STORIES Link above.

Again, these are just examples from Headlines to Links that you will be finding in this box weekly.

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