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onetufcooki4309's blog!
Thursday, 11 November 2004
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: my pillow........ so0o0o0o frickin tired! lol i just got home from donatos w/ bf's julie cori n erika!! lol it was SOo0o0o0o0o much fun!! we laughed so0o0o hard!! then i came home n EVRY1 was in a grumpy mood!! so yea..... the veterans assembly was 2day n it was kinda throat hurts from singing too loud =( we sang with the band and we had 2 sing like 10x louder than normal and we were like all red from projecting((wow, BIG word!)) our voices so loud!! omg mom made up names for all of us (( like the INCREDABLES< LOL!!)) and my name is "chewchick" b/c i like 2 chew on stufF >=( ok? well i g2g so i will ttyl!! ttfn!


pOsTeD bY:: cantina/onetufcooki4309 at 5:29 PM EST
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Wednesday, 10 November 2004
wHaT a DaY, wHaT a DaY...
Mood:  irritated
Hey bored and tired....i rilly wish it would rain! i dunno y but i feel like rain...i had a rilly big spanish exam 2day -n- i guess it went ok, it was kinda hard and kinda easy. im so bored!! sum1 PLEASE call me!! if u r important 2 me, u already have my #!! Julie i cant w8 4 2morrow! emily is ova doin laundry, ben is as grumpy as ever and dave isnt home n i dunno bout mom...veterans day is 2morrow and the 8th grade choir has 2 sing in this big assembly we have evry year and i really dont feel like singing @ like 8 o'clock in the morning=( well i dunno wht else 2 write so i will ttyl! buhbye


pOsTeD bY:: cantina/onetufcooki4309 at 5:08 PM EST
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