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6/3/02Today i finnaley leave for wisconsin! I"m am sooooo excited! I get to meet 90 of my relatives that I've never met before. It should be a lot of fun, but i'm not looking forward to the drive lol!
6/9/03- Well, I got back from wis. today. It was soooo kool! I wish we could've stayed longer. I can't wait to go back again. I finnaley got to meet most of my family and there sooo kool! lol!
6/27/03- Sorry I haven't written in here for awhile, I've been really busy.... but..... its my birthday today!!! I"m soo happy! yay! I got a cd player, some cool clothes, jewerly, and lots more:)
6/28/03- Today is my birthday party. Me and my friends all went to go see Charlie's Angels 2. it was really good. My favorite angel is cameron diaz.
6/30/03- Well, nothing much is really new today. I just got back from the pool, and I'm adding some new links to my blog. I"ll be adding quizes today too so you can take some of them:)
