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Welcome To Ninaca's Journal

Good Day!! Good Day! Welcome one, welcome all to my journal. I don't promise to make daily inserts but I will promise to be consistant.

G-d, help you if you came here looking for consistancy, but hey, I said I'd give it so here goes.
I guess I can at least promise to try anyway.

Anyway, this page is new to me and I feel like I'm kinda gettin' a fresh start at this webpage thing so bear with me. I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do this, but diving in seems to be about the best way to me.

Oh, BTW, Ninaca, is not my name. I took it because "nina" had already been taken so the Angelfire system automatically spit out about 5 variations and I thought Ninaca was the best of them,so here we are! we are...

Hey, if this bores you (and I wouldn't be surprised) you can always try some of the sites listed at the bottom of this page.

My Favorite Web Sites

Riker Jamieson's Webpage
Extreme Stories
Puddle of Mudd (Blurry Video)
