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Gla D’a’tir’s Abode







I live in the Tempest Galaxy on the planet of Corellia, my House is roughly 2300 Meters from Coronet. I will give you insight on my impressions of Star Wars Galaxies as well as maybe some help in the areas I have tried. Please come back often and read my diary for a droll recount of my days in Tempest galaxy. If you get into the game I would appreciate an e-mail saying, “Hi!”


May The Force Be With You.


Gla D'a'tir's Blog


(Gallery to be added)


Here are some links for your perusal:



Star Wars Galaxies official site

This is the official site for Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. Go here to setup an account. You don’t need a credit card yet, that comes when you first log into the game.

Newbie guide site

Hopefully, this guide will help you, it is not detailed but I just collected random thoughts on starting out. I hope this helps.

Star Wars Galaxies Music videos

Go to windspire entertainment to look for Blagosa's videos. This will give you a glimpse inside the Star Wars Galaxies. A lot of them are pretty funny too. I highly recommend Fett's Vette.

Star Wars Resource Center

The best resource for Newbies and Veterens alike. They have the most comprehensive databases as well as occasional developer forums.

Star Wars

Of course the official site for all your Starwars universe information.


Fun little site for games and overall sense of community

Jedi Protectors (A Neopet guild)

My guild on Neopets where we discuss all things Star Wars and some things not so Star Wars.


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