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Where Now?


The Kids Interests

Dee's Stuff

Not Exactly Tactful

Back Exercises 
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Email Us

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This site is put together for those that don't see this part of the family often.  We realize
that there are a few of you out there.  And we try not to for get any of you.  This seems to 
happen sooner than later.  Hope everyone is doing well and our email should be available
 to all who need it.

The Photographs--page may load slow on a dial-up connection.  I have not optimized it yet.
Be patient and it will load.

I realize most of the links are dead.  This is not some sick sense of humor just do not have 
the time to get it all going yet.   Check back often.




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I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.
Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)