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Los Lonely Boys Prayer Team aka Onda de Oracion

What We Do

This very special autograph was shared with us by Annie and scanned by Anita. Thank you both so much!

Prayer For Henry, Ringo, Jojo and their famlies:
Father, please keep them surrounded by Your Angels and in Your Sacred Heart. They bring so much love and joy to so many with their music. They bring You in a very special way. Bless them and their families with the peace and understanding that only You can give. In Jesus' name we pray, In God we trust, and In La Familia we Believe!

Our Prayer For All Of Us:

Isaiah - Chapter 35
1 The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.
2 It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, [and] the excellency of our God.
3 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees.
4 Say to them [that are] of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come [with] vengeance, [even] God [with] a recompence; he will come and save you.
5 Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
6 Then shall the lame [man] leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.
7 And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water: in the habitation of dragons, where each lay, [shall be] grass with reeds and rushes.
8 And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it [shall be] for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err [therein].
9 No lion shall be there, nor [any] ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk [there]:
10 And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

Dear Erica

Erica, We don't know you
But you're in our hearts
Because your beloved uncles
Who have inspired us to start

Little one, please know that
You are to us quite dear
We pray for your recovery
For your family you are near

We believe that in truth
We are one big family
And it's a bigger blessing
To have you in our tree

You have quite a few
Hearts believing and praying
For your true healing
In our hearts you're staying

We pray for Our Lord
To lovingly hold you in His Arms
To take care of His Little Lamb
And to keep you from harm

He is, also, with your family
As they love and they pray
For you, Dear Little Manita Erica,
They will show you the way

-by Kim

One For All

We are Brothers and Sisters
Who are one for all
You brought us together
You have given us a call

There are those who've waited
To experience the high view
It was meant for us all
Not only for a few

We pray for our own
Who inspire our hearts
And bring us back to You
Never let us again be apart

We are very thankful
For ours who are anointed
We know that the time is here
That You have appointed

They will bring Your Peace
To all who truly need
To be filled with Your Spirit
And inspire a new seed

One only meant for You
To take us way above
And beyond what we face
To only seek Your Love.

-by Kim

Ya Never Know

It all goes to prove
That ya' never know
What will happen
Who will show

There is our dear Henry
Who is so very wise
You have to ponder
What's behind his eyes

Then there is our Jojo
Who speaks from his heart
He always touches us
No matter where he starts

Ola Ringo is our smiler
Is the man with the plan
No matter whatsoever
He will always beside us stand

There was absolutely nada
Definitely no way
That we would have ever known
They would show us the way

They are now forever
Placed inside our hearts
Because it's a God Thing
And they're playing their parts

-by Kim

Look Within

If we go deep within
We can find true peace
Deep in the quiet
That so many seek

There is the one
Within each of us
Please take your time
And do not rush

It does take time
To tune into the whole
You won't find it
In a Dead Sea Scroll

There is the force
That you can truly know
Once you look within
And begin to grow

Become your true self
More so than ever
And have confidence,
Love, and peace forever

This you can never lose
Once it is found
To keep your feet
Planted on the ground

-by Kim

Henry & His Shiny Red Shoes

I had heard on GMA
You were gonna make news
There you proudly stood
In your shiny red shoes

Letting all your fans know
That you truly care
With us a special message
You wished to share

All because of a chat
You had with one so dear
Your heart was touched
It was all so clear

Then there it was
The Double Platinum Award
There was never a question
You three had scored

You have made us all
So very, very proud
We can't keep it in
We can be quite loud

So - ONDA UP, our cry,
As our Dannyboy would say
There will be no one ever
To stand in your way

-by Kim

What is A Manita?

A Manita is the one
With whom you can share all
She has a special vision
She has heard the call

She will never betray you
As she truly loves
She received her commision
From the Heavenly Dove

She'll always be there
Whenever you need
She'll be there to hug you
And remind you of the sacred creed

She'll be your sister
And your truest friend
She'll lift you up in prayer
Your needs to Heaven send

She'll be with you in joy
Brings comfort when you're in pain
She'll be your umbrella
During the pouring rain

Most of all she'll rejoice
With you and hold your hand
As together you walk
In the warm, serene sand

-by Kim

There's An Angel

There's an angel
Watching over me
He's new to Heaven
He will guide me closer to Thee

I am so thankful
For the protection of his wings
He hears my cries
And serenades me as he sings

He always sings of love
That truly comes from You
I know it is genuine
That it is wonderfully true

That you, Dear Lord, love me
And that you do so forgive
If we turn and repent
And begin anew to live

I pray for my my family
And my friends all indeed
That they will come to see
And live a life that's free

Let us love You always
And each other as well
So that we can share the Love
That You give freely as we tell

-by Kim

Amazing Love

Amazing Love
Has brought us here
We have found our fate
Without anymore tears

It is more real
And is so true
What else could be better
Than to be connected to you

There are no doubts
There is only destiny
Between the two of us
We'll get to Eternity

I won't wonder how
This will all come about
Because beside you
I can never doubt

When we are apart
We are always together
Because what's important
Is we are forever

Let's make a difference
In our own way
And come back together
At the end of the day

-by Kim

God Bless The Garza Brothers!

Free Guestbook from Free Guestbook from

EWTN, Global Catholic Network

Poems © Kim Trimble, 2004-2005.

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Some Favorite Links

Los Lonely Boys Official Website
LoS TeX MaNiAcS - Their Uncle's Band
Prayer Page
Testimony Page
Photos Page
Poetry From My Heart
Jennifer Q's Page - Our Little Sis
Los Lonely Boys' World - Yam's Japanese Site
Santana's Official Site
George Lopez's Official Web Site