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Who I am ... today, anyways.

I think that the world should be a place of tolerance, instead of the judgemental society we have today. Even this is judgemental, but it cannot be helped.

I look around and see tenneagers wanting to commit suicide, I see homeless and hungry people who are enabled by the society that is supposed to care for them, and I see the endless rape of our planet.

This won't ever end ... but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try. We should be doing all that we can to promote peace, instead of turning a blind eye to war. Instead of murdering millions of animals and complaining about our ever decling health, perhaps we should try a life style change. Stop labeling everything and everyone, and accept that we are different.

The internet is a great first step ... here we are all anonymous, and there are equal amounts of love and hate; much better than that other place.

Here we can speak our minds, free of consequence, for now at least.

Here is where the future will begin, and here is where we can learn to make a difference. Not in the what we are, but what our children will be ... and what their children will be. So that one day all of this insanity that is humanity will settle into a time of peace.

That will be beautiful.


Pieces of Me
