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A cold gust weaves through the trees limbs, animating their dense, rigid branches and tickling their lighter, more slender tips. The forest you trek through is vast,nearly measuring up to be the same amount of achres as Northen Ireland. A blanket of ebony, tainted by the glowing orb of sequins smothered the sky,darkening the massive woodland. As you move on, the sound of your shoes crunching the lifeless litter of leaves seemed to bounce off the trees. As you look over your shoulder, you see to your horror, a pair of scarlet orbs flicker within the shadows. The owner of the eyes steps forward,a sneer had crept across his maw. His pelt was pure black, blending in with the shadows. A red cresent scar was planted on his front left thigh and crimson curved slits were under both eyes. Large scarlet demonic wings protruded from behind his shoulder-blades. His tail was thin and draconic, ending in an arrow-head. His front limbs and the tip of his tail were engulfed in an aura of flames.
"Well, well. If it isn't another stupid dunse of a human to come waltzing into my terrain! Don't you know that only followers or friends of Shema are allowed here?" He asked, narrowing his optics. You take a step back.
"I..I didn't know!" You stutter helplessly,transfixed into his hypnotic stare.
"Just as I thought,Human. Another to fall under ignorance! Such a shame,though...I guess I could keep you here...for a while..." He turns his head away, as if suddenly your pressence bored him. You cough sheepishly.
"So...where am I?" You ask,looking around you. His lip curls.
"You're in Kharla forest, m'fool, home to many that deem worthy of the ruler, here." He said proudly,raising his chin as he finished his sentence. You stare,perplexed by his answer.
"Then who is the ruler here?" You ask. This time his eyes seemed to glow.
"You have already met him..."


Name: Lintaq
Alias: Garuru
Species: Lupine/coyote
Sub-species: Elemental demon
pelt hue: Ebony
Optic tone: A docile brown
Age: Immortal adult
Nationality: Kharlian/England
Accent: Cockney(London),deep,soft yet sharp.
Sire: I haven't a clue...
Dame: *sigh* I don't know anymore..
Siblings: Blight,Kirara,Vip.
Offspring: Spectrum.
Desire: None.
Mate: None.
Persona: brave,harsh,stoic,reasonable,cunning.
Current Emotion:Bitter,cynical,lonesome.
Terrain: Kharla Forest.

My past

Moved here..


This is my Step-brother, Blight. He was from a different litter, but he shares the same father as me. Wherever he is...*sigh* Oh well,back to Blight..He is younger than me,so he's dependant on me like a father he never had.

Ah yes,my full sister, Kirara. She's a pure demon fox. Not an ounce of neopian blood runs through this spritely vulpine's veins. Likewise here, except for the 'spritely' and 'vulpine' part. She's hyper, playful, caring. I also have the suspision that she injects caffine into herself. oO;

Ah, my dear brother Vip...I first met him when Kirara had just passed away. At first, I have to admit, I was so wound up in grief I chose to shut him out and ignore him...I regret doing so and wish to meet once again.


What are you looking at?

Ah my own flesh and blood, Spectrum! He's grown up so fast. He's found and protected his own terrain and even has a mate! ^^ I can't wait to see the pups an- wait! that would mean I'm a...a..grandfather! e_e;...


This is my only, and best friend, Star. We knew eachother since we were adolescent miscriants. ^^ She was, as I remember, the first lupine that I befriended. Since my rebirth, I have found her once again, and how glad I am! ^^


You may be wandering who, or what Shema is. Well,you could say she was my human, if she was one...*he smirks* Nope. She is the one and only chaos gryphon. No human shall rightfully tame my demonic spririt a dog! She is also, as you will, a Goddess of Kharla. I am her battle ally. She is the Goddess of War, yet her name is Jewish for 'Faith'. 0.o; Her anchestors once ruled over this huge terrain for many thousends of years. Then she was worshipped as a goddess,so she could no longer remain in the mortal realm. She stayed at the 'Erii',the realm for Kharlian Gods. NOW who would protect and rule Kharla? Her battle partner, of course!

Lupines that have gained my respect

Come. The ghost flamed lupe awaits. -blocked-Look into my eyes... ¤ Enter My Sanctuary ¤ -blocked--blocked-Death Commith Swiftly to those who Wait Bleeding Heart..

-blocked- -blocked-