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Home Sweet Japan

 This is our new couch and coffee table.  

 And the matching chair

 This is the tatami room, which is right off the living room.  The Japanese use it 
as an all-purpose room....for sleeping, eating, etc. 
The floor is made it of tatami mats, which are a very expensive soft flooring.   

 The little Japanese refrigerator.  Nice color though huh?

 One thing that is better in Japan is the toilet.  Ours has a heated 
seat, bedet, and other functions I haven't even figured out yet! The toilet is in a room
all by itself so the sink is actually on the
back of it.  

 This is the washing machine...very small and no dryer to go with it.  The drying is done in the 
shower room where there is a heated blower in the ceiling.

 A view of Yokohama at night.  We were there
to see one of the fireworks shows.  The ferris wheel
in the background is great!!  You can also see Landmark Tower, the tallest building in Yokohama. 
Notice the young girls in Yukata, their summer kimono (and of course playing with their cellphones
and drinking starbucks!)