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Cantina Las Bolos Del Diablo

-A Deadlands page.-

This hear is a page for some Deadlands stuff.
It ain't fancy, cuss I would rather have a page that loads fast and don't crash my crappy computer then one with fancy graphics.
Besides this is my first effort at working with HTML.

Best viewed with whichever setting you can read it in.

The kind folk at Angelfire are giveing me 20MB of free space,
in return there will be popups.

Last Update: 12/30/02.
Added Flavor section to Links.

Deadlands Stuff:

Five face Mesa. A Text Game. (Under Construction)7% Done.
Deadlands Songs.Three things.
A Cosmology for the Deadlands Setting. One Essay, two examples.
Qoutes from Games. About two pages of them.
Usefull information about the late 1800's. Four Sections.
New Edges, Hinderances, Equipment and other Such Thangs. Two sections.
Links for Deadlands. Three Sections

The Makers of Deadlands. One company.

Other Stuff:

Steve's Basement: A Gameing Group Too much information.

Email: Brom Clancy