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The Kannwischer Family

January 2007


We've Moved!

We are now at

Please visit our new site.

Preacher in the House

Via Podcast. It's not the same old Presbyterians. Stream live from your computer.  Download to your ipod.  Subscribe and receive them each week.  If you have had enough of Richard Kannwischer, we understand. Click Here

On the Bookshelf  

From the girls' bookshelf - Fancy Nancy by Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser.  The Brickers gave this to us for Christmas and it is perfect!  It is about little Nancy who loves to be a princess and dress fancy.  Danica loves to read it and we giggle together. 

What to look for this month...

  • O Christmas Tree
  • Cinderella's Castle
  • San Antonio on ice

You can.  We can.  It's the right thing to do.

About the Webmaster

I am no master of the web.  In fact, I am a Master of Divinity.  Funny that mastering divinity was easier than learning html code.  All mistakes are my own.  Please send only nice messages to the webmaster.  Gift Certificates to the Woodhouse Spa also welcome.  210.822.8800. 

Site Design © 2006 Robson Design Works