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Track & Field....the only real sport!!

UML Track & Field

4/28/01-Colby-Sawyer thrower trying to throw the hammer- "Whhhoooooo's your daddy?!?!"


We've got a tough bunch of skids....but i still have to protect their scrawney asses!!

fuck yeah!!!

My name is Jimbo, I go to UMass Lowell where I am trying to graduate eventually.   I used to throw for the school, but since i no longer have any eligibility, I now throw the 35lb weight, discus, and the hammer on my own.  Most of you that are looking at this site know me already, but those who dont, i hope you dont get offended....i have a strange sense of humor(it rubbed off from my teammates!!!)....ENJOY!!!

8/12/03 - moved site to new in the process of updating

i dont think we have a problem...we only drink after we do good or after we do bad.....
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