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Weird Shit From the 13th Circle of Net Hell

This site brought to you by: A warped & twisted mind located somewhere in the butt-crack of America!! I am continually tweaking it & always on the hunt for killer images for your viewing pleasure... Oh who am I kidding??? I do this shit for ME!!!!! I'm having a blast & if you viewers like it, that's just a boner!! Errr, bonus. Heh. If you don't like it, well then, that's just tough shit. Send me some hate mail. I could use the laughs!! Nothing amuses me more than upsetting someone's preconceived notions of life, people, and of me. I'm as real as it gets, and if you can't handle that reality, go get some fucking prozac!! HAHAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!! FE PU TET!!! That's cajun for KISS MY ASS!! Enjoy!!

Bar- The Shit I Like To Drink!!

This is the smoothest bourbon I've ever tasted & it definately has it's claws hooked into me!! 108.6 proof. Freeze it & sip it! MMMMM GOOD SHIT Expensive but worth it!
Wild Turkey home page-RARE BREED RULES!!

Maudite (the damned one) Strong Red Ale. 8% alcohol. The only beer that I like the taste of the head! Killer fuckin' taste. They say drink it cool, I say stick it in the freezer with the Rare Breed!!!!Maudite by Unibroue Brewery

Grill- Shit I'd Like To BBQ!!!

Warped & Twisted Shit
Mental Oozings from the Heinz 57 Mutt NEW STUFF ADDED
Funny Pictures Gallery 1
Funny Pictures Gallery 2
Funny Pictures Gallery 3

Killer Links

Christian -they don't think it be like it do but it is
The Godlessheathen Home Page - ya damn right!
Insult Monger- The Art of Insults - funny & nasty shit - directory of Spooky shit
High stony shit
Prison Planet- fucked up shit
The Libertarian Party - my political shit
American Nihilist Underground Socitey ( this shit is cool
Red Meat - Max Cannon- fuckin funny shit
wEakLy wHiRL kNEwZ - if you wanna be a sheep don't read this shit - fuckin a!
Poco Loco Jam- Thew & Band, performing kick ass jams in NJ
Religion is a virus- DETOX humor links- more funny shit
The Colloseum- Why I Don't Believe In God associated with Yahoo Msgr. room
South Park -HOLY SHIT! HA HA
George Carlin home page- some more fucking funny shit!!
The Nat'l Barking Spider Resurgence Party- yes it is an actual political party
The War On - fuck off christer sluts!