I am Homestar, and this is a website!

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Hi! Welcome to my mind!
Spooky huh?

Jumpy are we?

Welcome and bienvenidos (and konnichiwa) to my own little
personal slice of the great infranet internet.

This website is just like salami because. . . . .

I dunno, but I like salami.

If you like salami, or stuff in general, take a good look around.

Take a look at the opinions! These are bubbling full of weird and crazy
ideas from my mind, which is a scary thought in itself.

If you dont like opinions, or don't like the way I think
(BURNNNNNN! I mean, ahem.) , then
check out my predictions for the next 10 years.
These shockingly brilliant predictions
will NOT BE WRONG.Probably.
I'll check them off as they come true so you can keep track of how the world deteriorates!
It's fun for the whole family!*

*(Not for family viewing.)

Here are some good websites.
The Best Website Ever!
Homestar Runner
Check these websites out! I highly recommend them all!

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