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Joshua Weston- 11:07 PM

Welcome back!

Well, the day that I have waited for for three years is finally here. The San Diego Comic Con is finally here! I'm heading out at 7:30 in the morning and plan on being there all day. Well, either all day, or until I get bored and decide to leave, but I'm sure that won't happen for a long time!

Hahaha, I have a couple hundred dollars to spend, and with Penny Arcade having a booth, I know I'll be spending ALOT of it!

Oh yeah, the creator of The Simpsons, Matt Greoning will be there too! HAHAHA! I AM STOKED

Anyways, let's see what I did today...

I walked around taking pictures for a couple hours. I took some of my old school, where I ran into an old teacher, and I took some of a couple of houses where I used to live. Yeah, the camera opened up though and the film got exposed to light! I'm pretty pissed off, but I'll just go out and re-take those pictures. Grrrr...

I also went to work with my good friend, Moses again. Hahaha, I was their his entire shift, again. Did some dishes, swept a little bit and ate some pizza. Some guy even came in and asked how long I've worked there for, hahaha. I said-

"Work here? Nah, I'm just with Moses, lol, but I figure if I keep showing up, they'll eventually have to pay me."

Damn, life rocks.

Anyways, I think that's a good enough update for today. I can't wait until I get my scanner back so that I can start posting my comics again. Wow, I have so many great ideas for funny ones.

L8ts for now, yo
days until The Return of the King!