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Hey guys, check this out:

The Booze News has not been running this semester. Why? We have a strong suspicion that the cops might have seen it. I have several websites, but as this is the only one the cops might be interested in, I haven't been maintaining it. I decided to start posting parties again because it feels like it has been a sufficient amount of time since I talked to the police.

Entry from my blog:

Tuesday, August 26, 2003
So last night I go out drinking and partying, the usual good times. Lizelle is here with her friends from home, and it's great. I get smashed, really smashed, and go to bed at 2:30 like a little bitch.

5 am: I'm getting poked by Tucker, who says the cops are here and they want to talk to me. Of course, I'm drunk and sleeping, and I ignore her for like 10 minutes. Finally I get up, half disbelieving her, and still arguing with her in the hall that I didn't want to talk to the cops. I get out into the living room, and there's this asian cop standing out there by himself with my other two roommates by the kitchen table.

So I'm really really really drunk and mostly asleep, and he's like, I'm here to investigate complaints about Miller Lite cans being dropped from a balcony. Do you know anything about this?
me: uh..? no
Cop: Uh huh, ok. You don't know about any Miller Lite cans?
me: uhhhh, no
Cop: Ok. What about anything on your balcony? Can you explain those empty cans on your balcony?
me: uhhh, what?
Tucker: no, i think someone brought those in here and just set them down.
cop: Ok, uh.. ok. So you don't know anything about Miller Lite cans being dropped on people?
me: [about to fall over, but pretend that I'm really just thinking really hard about this question] uhhhhhhh whoa uh no
him: What's your name?
me: uhhhhh Kate Coliash, Catherine.. Coli-uh [he looks at me and i spell it for him]
him: you're the one with the website?

and I fucking nodded. WHAT COP asks someone if they're the one with the WEBSITE?????

I'm not making this up, I have three roommates to back me up. [the next day, we were all like, what happened? did this happen, or did i dream it? you sort of remember it, too? and you do, too? why did he ask about a website?? weird...]

At this point I puke into a napkin. I don't think he noticed, and I won't tell you why he wouldn't have, but it was really sick and I was just so tanked.

So he asks me for my permanent address, and i'm just dying trying to stand up straight, so I actually give him my Florida address, the real one. My roommates later told me that I pretty much slurred the whole thing, so I guess I don't have much to worry about, but Jesus Christ!

"Are you the one with the website?" WHAT THE FUCK???

damn cops. yeah, you guys, the ones reading this right now!

We didn't get charged with anything because no one admitted to anything and he didn't find any beer. He looked in both fridges, but no beer, because Tucker was a genius and hid it all when she saw the cops at the door. I'm not sure why the cops were let in, but it was great. The whole thing was strange.

# posted by Kate @ 11:27 PM

So that's that. We don't know what's going on, and we don't even clearly remember him asking about it. But it's been a long time, and parties need to be promoted so that we can all go to wild, raging parties.

On that note, add your parties here!

You can look at posted parties, or post any parties you know will be happening!

Just click on "Add Your Event" to add your own party - follow the instructions, it's picky on format.

Parties are removed when they are over. A full listing of past events is available when you click, "Show all events." If there are more than seven (7) events listed, then it will not show on the immediate listing, but it will show with "Show all events."

:: Thanks, and tell your friends! ::





Send stupid pictures of you and your friends doing stupid things to

Most Party Pictures are of UIUC students, other pictures noted as such. Hope you're not on here!

Party Picture #26  
Party Picture #25 signing off = social suicide
Party Picture #24 erin holds chi patel after shots and 4 games of taps
Party Picture #23 Tuck and Stina lick raspberry vodka off Garner Hall's floor
Party Picture #22

From Lizelle

Party Picture #21 From The United States Government Spies
Party Picture # 20 From Michael Gunderson
Party Picture #19 it's a lingerie contest!! huzzah!
Party Picture #18 and he won! I only wish he hadn't covered up his hot little panties with those boxers...
Party Picture #17 I'll milk YOUR cow..
Party Picture #16 It's party time!
Party Picture #15 From So this isn't a student. Sue me. YOU'RE not sending me any PICTURES!!!!
Party Picture #14 From Tuck
Mullet Picture #13

From Adam Grosch, who has tragically left UIUC. More embarrassing pictures of a dude getting his beautiful hair turned into a MULLET can be found here, here, and here.
A great story accompanied these pictures, but thatt's gone forever with the webspace.

Party Picture #12 From Drew
Party Picture #11 From Gazzer
Party Picture #10 From I can't remember. Someone.
Party Picture #9 Tucker humor
Party Picture #8 From Matt Yurkanin
Party Picture #7 From Tom Somebody, who was obviously drawn on. Can you make out the frat letters on the guy on the left?
Party Picture #6 From someone. Do I have to remember everything? It's a guy, inexplicably, in a tube top.
Party Picture #5 From Adam Null
Party Picture #4 From Liam Moran
Party Picture #3 From Jason Bant
Party Picture #2 Dan J. looking stupid, from Liz.
Party Picture #1 Lilli and some old guy at First and John, from Kate
The Original Party Picture! Fuck the refs! Go Illini!

Traffic report:

Between September 15, 2002, and May 1, 2003, UIUC Parties had 5,582 hits and 4,108 visitors. Thanks! Old statistics:

Our new statistics are as of August 11, 2003.